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3rd person pov

Alexis was laid back in the sofa drinking apple juice from a wine glass leaning on Jennifer who was sipping wine twirling Alexis's hair on her finger

Niall was at the end of the couch with Alexis's feet giving her a half assed massage as he drank his wine

With Brandie on the floor next to Alexis rubbing her bump a wine glass in hand as well

"So what you're not allowed to leave the house by yourself anymore?" Brandie asked

"No Harry wants me with him or Hanley or Niall" she motioned to Niall

"Well I mean that accident was pretty fucking bad" Niall pointed to her bandaged leg that had 20+ stitches where the metal piece had pierced through

"The car looks way worse because it absorbed most of the impact I mean I've got a lot of bruising with a few little cuts here and there and of course that of piece metal got me but that was because the front got pushed in so much" Alexis frowned "I'm just so grateful the baby is okay"

"I'm happy you're okay" Jennifer frowned "I mean Harry said he heard the car crash and he said he thought you were..." she didn't finish

"I know he told me he actually cried and got in my hospital bed with me I'm surprised he didn't have a heart attack and I was so out of it he had to handle everything I can't imagine how stressed out he was" Alexis frowned

"He said before you lost consciousness you kept apologizing" Niall sighed "Alexis only you would apologize for god knows what as you're losing consciousness"

"I don't know what I was thinking I just... I felt guilty"

"Why?" Jennifer frowned

"I dunno" She shrugged "His car? His suits? Me? The baby?"

Brandie took a sip and tilted her glass at Alexis "I can't believe that man got out and fought the guy that hit you"

Niall nodded "Harry paid him a million plus bail and medical expenses"

"Awww I wish a my man would pay someone a million for kicking someone else's ass on my behalf" Brandie whined

"Some of us are just lucky" Alexis teased

"So have you thought of any baby names?" Jennifer asked excitedly

"Uh I like Adlynn Harry likes Nelly but I think so far we've both agreed on either Anika or Holly"

"Anika oh I like that" Jennifer nodded

"Anika Love Styles" Alexis smiled widely

"The baby gets his last name?" Brandie pouted

Alexis laughed "well hopefully I'll be getting his last name too" they all turned when the door opened Harry stepped in holding a bag

"Got your cravings my love" he said holding up the bag as he walked over he leaned down and Alexis leaned up to meet him half way for a kiss

"How was your day?" Alexis asked taking the bag from him

"Long and I missed you" he rounded the sofa Jennifer got up and sat herself in Niall's lap so Harry could take her spot

"Well I told you to let me come back to work" she sang as she popped open the bag of mini Twix pulling out 2

"You got out the hospital 2 days ago, you walk with crutches, and you can not lift ,like anything at all, you do not need go come to work"

"I walk with crutches for long distances and I don't lift at work majority of the time so that doesn't matter" Alexis corrected him eating a Twix

"Alexis you do not need to come to work period I'm not arguing with you about this I told you no" he looked down at Brandie "am I being ridiculous?"

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