Chapter Forty One.

Start from the beginning

            I nodded.

            “They’re beautiful baby.”

            Then I kissed him again and he started to laugh, pulling me into his lap so his arms could come around my waist. This is probably one of the best moments I’ve ever had with him and I honestly started to get scared because things were starting to go good and I mean too good. Nothing dramatic has happened and for us that’s not a normal thing. I’m just waiting for something to go wrong but I didn’t want to say something and ruin the moment because he seemed to be so happy beyond words as we were making out in this ballroom of a hotel in the middle of Oslo surrounded by candles and flower petals.

            “So did you plan all of this while I was at the spa? Were you lying about hanging out with your friends?”

            “No. I spent some time with them but I missed you Soph and I wanted to do something nice for you. Is that a crime?”

            “I suppose not.” I smirked, kissing him gently on the cheek. “You know how much I love you Justin?”

            He looked at me and he started to get shy, turning his gaze away and staring down at his hands with the cutest little smile on his face. That’s when I tilted his chin up so he would look at me again.

            “I love you soooo much and as soon as we get back to our room I’m gonna make you so happy.”

            “Well it was supposed to be the other way around. I was supposed to make you happy tonight. That’s the whole reason I did this you know.”

            “I think you’ve done enough baby.”

            Then I started to kiss his neck and he let out a sigh as I moved my hands south on his body. What he had just done for me was amazing and singing to me was breathtaking. His voice was flawless and his intentions to just make me happy completely blew me away.

            “Okay come on. We’re leaving.”

            “But what about the candles and the petals? Shouldn’t we clean those up?”

            “I paid for someone to do that baby. Let’s go.”


            Our hotel room door closed and I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. He was laughing and I was fumbling with his belt and he was trying to pull the zipper of my dress down and we were too wrapped up in each other to even think straight. We were crazy we were head over heels we were insane we were lunatics but we were in love.

            His belt fell to the floor with a loud thud and my dress was on the ground and then somehow we ended up in the kitchen of our suite instead of the bedroom but I didn’t even give it a second thought to stop. Instead I tore his zipper down and then his briefs and I was on my knees giving him the best head I could give.

            “Oh my god.” He groaned. “Sophia.”

            Looking up at him while I did this was so hot and so sexy because he was so vulnerable and it was all because of me. I’m the one that made him feel like this and I’m the one that he’s in love with. I will never be able to comprehend how I got so damn lucky.

            “You taste so good baby.”

            He was in my mouth again after I said that and his breathing was rugged, his chest moving up and down at a quicker speed as he rested his elbows behind him on the counter top and let me finish my job on him.

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