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L E S I U R E L Y walking into the large ball room, Angelica passed Alexander a soft smile. She could feel the eyes of everyone shift between the both of them. Wondering what her status was. Her soft breathing was an indication of the fact that all these stares did little to nothing. Having no effect on her.

Angelica could feel the tiny whispers as the women gossiped amongst themselves. The men staring at her. Cuddling herself more into Alexander's chest, in the most subtle way, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Hello Mr.Reed," a man in his fifties walked to them.
His cheeks covered in a bright red blush. His white beard trimmed to perfection. Alexander passed him a genuine smile. An indicator to Angel that he was someone of importance to her husband.
"George! How many times have I asked you to call me Alex?" He chuckled, hugging the man tight.
"And who is this young lady?" George inquired.
Alexander passed him a smile.
"Angelica Reed. CEO of ARaina and RAngel!" He passed Angel a proud smile.
"Why hello there young miss. I love the food that your restaurant serves. And my young daughter loves your makeup brand!" He became ecstatic.
"George here is my mentor. He was my father's best friend," he introduced.

"Hello George!" She shook his hands.
George smiled. Patting the back of her hand.
"Who is she to you young man?" He smiled.
"My wife". He smiled.

George was shocked. He knew that Alexander was seeing someone. But their schedules never matched and so they could never meet.
"And you did not invite me?" He was dumbfounded.
"No George, we had a court marriage. We will host our real one soon!" Angelica coaxed him.

The man nodded. Signalling for a young woman to come over. She was a five foot nine inch woman, wearing a royal blue silk gown. A deep v-neck stopping a few inches above her belly button. Her ginger hair wrapped in a bun. Blue expressive eyes, a pink lips with a highlighted cupids bow.

"Angelica meet my daughter Ginny! Ginny meet Angelica founder and CEO of RAngel and ARaina!" He introduced the two to each other with a proud smile.
Ginny was absolutely awestruck. She and Angelica easily started a conversation. Speak about everything. They found out that they had more in common than they would have ever believed.

"Excuse us Ginny. I meed to introduce Angelica!" Alexander wrapped his arm around Angelica's waist.

They walked over to the centre of the room. Standing under the crystal chandelier. Alexander handed her a glass of bubbling champagne.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Alexander tapped on his own glass.
The room falling into silence.
"My wife, Angelica and I are grateful that you guys came to this ball. We hope you have a wonderful evening. But first, let's have some food shall we?" He signalled for the long line of servers to bring out the first course.

His words wreaked havoc. The announcement was so unexpected. No one had imagined for this philanthropic billionaire to casually announce his marriage.

The way he helped his wife sit, next to him. And how he handed her the cherry blossom branch, which signified, in Chinese culture,  love and the mystique of female strength and sexuality and beauty. Meanwhile, for the Japanese, they meant renewal. It was all more significant than just a simple flower. *

To Angelica and Alexander, they held another meaning. Overwhelmed, with affection, Angelica leaned in to give him a butterfly kiss on his lips. Smiling at Ginny who had sat next to her.

The first course, the starter, was a fresh arugula salad, served with scallops and a lemon vineggarette. The salad was fresh and the textures exploded in the mouths. It was an experience. Not just visually, but for the palate too.

Angelica's family chewed onto their salads. Bitter over the fact that Angelica had not come to meet them. And as the rules of aristocracy went, they would not go and meet her. She would come to them instead.

The main course was short ribs, cooked in a broth, full of herbs and spices to give a flavourful feel. The ribs melted right in the mouth. Falling off of the bone in a silky manner. They were served with a bed of mash potatoes and a secret sauce.

The course paired well with the chilled glass of wine. The hearts and stomach filling up. It was easily the best food anyone had had at a ball. The attention paid to each detail was outstanding.

The last course, the desert was a chocolate mousse. So decadent that each bit gave a heart attack of pleasure. Its smooth and refined texture, dance the tango with their tounges. The guests were especially shocked to see Alexander let Angelica have most of his mousse too. It was after all, his wife's favourite and he would be a damned fool to keep her from happiness.

Soon after the dishes were cleared, a table full of snacks was brought out. Placed in a corner for the people to enjoy, whilst they mingled.

Throughout the night, Alexander introduced her to everyone, except her family. Even when the ballroom dancing began, he led Angelica to the centre, ignoring her approaching father and began the dance.

Once the clock struck one, the guests all left. Angelica and Alexander too exited, waiting at the entrance for the driver. They could have easily gone to the suite they had rented. But home was, home.

It was at this time, that the family finally found themselves making way towards their daughter. Angelica tried to ignore their presence. She did not wish to associate herself with them, but she knew what was to come. They were here to beg. Beg for the deal.

"Ahh Angel. Where were you? We looked for you everywhere!" Karen rushed to her.
In her eyes, tears filled at the speed of a race car.
"Weren't you the ones who disowned me? And kicked me out?" Angelica raised her brows.
Repeating to herself, in her mind, to not loose her calm.
"We did that in anger sweetheart. We never meant it in truth!" Arnold tried to grab her arm.
Angelica yanked it backwards. Almost falling with the sheer force.
"Careful!" Alexander grabbed her.

Thankfully, the driver had arrived. Opening the door for her, he made her sit, making way to her greedy and ridiculous family.

"I will not sign that deal. Stop harassing my wife. For the sake of a bit of money!" His tone, carried a sense of finality.
The decision was made. And he would not let any harm befall his wife for the sake of her parents crumbling empire.

* - I found this information on Google. If it is wrong, and against the Chinese and Japanese cultures, please let me know. I do not, in anyway want to harm someone's culture. So please let me know and I will remove it.

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