
"Yes. Gailyn made it clear it would be difficult, considering his condition, but the elders and I have devised a plan that could work wonders. A slow acting poison will be delivered to him with his morning meal. If all goes to plan, the boy will feel the effects on his way back to Essitir, when that man Gailyn will have him under that enchantment. We believe that is when he is most vulnerable. The time when he is most distant from his magic."

"Oh..." Arthur said, the blood draining from his face. 

"We can not allow the enemy to be in possession of such a powerful weapon."

"Of course, father," Arthur said quickly, now even more pressed to go. "I'll see you at the demonstration then?"

"Actually..." Uther began, painfully slow. "Gailyn has requested that you not attend the demonstration."

"What? Why?"

Uther shrugged. "He believes it might upset the boy, make him lose control."

Of course, Arthur thought. Merlin believed the prince was dead by his hand. Gailyn couldn't afford to lose that manipulative lie.

"I suggest you stay away. It will be good to make them think we will comply with their every word."

Arthur couldn't hold himself back any longer. He took off down the corridor. "Don't worry, father! I'll stay away!"

Arthur had no intention of staying away.

He sprinted as fast as he could to the kitchens. Merlin wouldn't be able to heal Toby if he was poisoned. He stopped when he heard the familiar banging of pots, shouting, and warm smells of the palace kitchens. All work ceased when the workers laid eyes on the prince. 

"My Lord? What are you doing here? I was just about to have a someone bring up your breakfast." 

"Where's the food that's going to the prisoner in the dungeons?"

"My Lord?"

"The prisoner in the  dungeons! Where's the food that's meant for him?"

"I'm sorry, my Lord, I believe someone already took it down to the lad."

Arthur's heart pounded through his chest as he grabbed the plate meant for his breakfast and raced away back in the direction of the dungeons. The servants were well into beginning their days now, indicated by the bustling hall. He dodged lords and ladies alike. He took the stairs down to the dungeons three at a time, at certain moments flying past entire flights. 

"My Lord!!!" squealed the frightened serving girl, almost dropping the plate of food she carried. 

"Guinevere?" Arthur stared at the plate she clutched between her hands. "Is that meant for Merlin?"


"Is that plate meant for Merlin?"

"I- I- I- I wouldn't know. I'm sorry!"

Arthur looked around the stairwell, making certain they were alone. "Guinevere, don't lie to me. Is that plate meant for Merlin?"

Boy From The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now