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Drista seems to stiffened in your tone, she turned away and grabbed the reigns of the horse, lani grabbing onto here from behind.

"If something happens to my brother, I'm suing you." She murmured.

You chuckled lightly, watching them mount the horse and run back to the academy. To her brother? Dream? It's dream, why would something happen to him?

Meanwhile on the fight, the fighters and mages are having a hard time keeping up with the furry's pace, although they're very skilled hunters they're no match for a dark magic this powerful.

Niki was doing most of the healing, when someone gets severely hurt or something, she'll immediately regen them by casting a spell that'll heal them.

Wilbur was doing all the blocking while techno and dream tries to get their way towards the furry.

'Dammit! Where are the back ups?!' Wilbur cursed as he blocked another incoming attack.

While the hybrid was busy shooting attacks at wilbur, dream crept up behind him and raised his axe, burying it down to the hybrid's shoulder.

The hybrid let out a cry of pain, disappearing and appearing meters away from them. He glared at his opponents, a four versus one isn't really fair.

"Well, this isn't really fair is it?" The furry spoke, yanking away the axe and throwing it back to dream in which he catched skillfully.

"From what I've heard, the more, the merrier, right?" A smirk crept up to his face as he looked up in the sky and let out an inhuman roar.

The roar was something you'll hear from a tiger or a lion, it was terrifying to the ears of a toddler. The air coughed and shift around them and the ground slightly Shook.

They got on fighting stances as they prepared for what's about to come, suddenly, their breath was caught when a hoard of endermans, zombies, skeletons, creepers and spiders came out of the darkness.

The sky seems to shift into a darker color, making it look like it's already night time. The furry smiled menacingly, laughing while pointing at the helpless mages and fighters.

"ΕΠΙΘΕΣΗ!" The furry roared.

And with that, the chaos unfolds.

Your legs feels like it's gonna melt soon from all of the running you've done. getting out of the forest was easy, then why when returning was so fucking long?

Your complains was soon answered when the sky darkened, you cursed silently as you sped up your pace, in the distance, you saw an army of different mobs, screeching, groaning and the rattles of bones were hurting your ears.

While running, you unsheated your sword and ran towards a certain pink haired girl, you swung your sword to an incoming zombie that's ready to rip niki's brains. The zombie's head fell to the ground with a thud as your blade cut through it.

Niki's eyes widened, backing up while holding her concealed blade. "Y/N!" She exclaimed, surprised by your sudden appearance. "Where are the kids?!" She asked, blocking an incoming attack from a skeleton's arrow.

You ran towards the skeleton, delivering a punch to it's skull as it's bones skattered to the ground with small thuds. "They're on the academy! The back ups are on their way!" You exclaimed back.

THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS | TECHNOBLADEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu