Start from the beginning

"How brave of all of you to enter my home, I gotta admit, I'm impressed." He clapped his hands several times before stopping.

"Are you here to steal my hidden treasures? Or kill my creations? Or perharps..." He trailed off, his canines showing as he smile.

His eyes darkened and he snapped his fingers, within a second screams can be heard. Those screams managed to caught the attention of wilbur and techno, the unbothered techno earlier is now glaring at the fox man.

"WILBUR! TECHNO! HEL-" A familiar voice yelled out, before it can even continue it was cut off by another scream.

The fox man snapped his fingers again and the screams stopped.

"-you're looking for a friend?" He snickered.

You stood up from your sitting position so did niki and wilbur. Wilbur and techno got into a fighting stance as they glared at the unknown man.

"Give them back." Techno demanded.

As you were about to pick up your sword, something caught your eyes. A black aura surrounds the unknown man, this caught your attention since the only black you know in the magic book is dark magic.

Niki taught you that, and you looked at niki to see her noticed the black aura too. She looked at you and nodded, saying she saw it too.

However, wilbur and techno doesn't seem to notice this. They're too blinded by rage and the only thing on their mind is rescuing Tommy and Tubbo. Plus, the aura is too small to spot. If you paid more attention at the edge of his clothing and hair, you'll spot a floating black smoke that's rare to spot.

The unknown man's brown orbs looked at you and niki, you squinted your eyes and glared at him while niki does the same. The hybrid smiled, his smile extending from ears to ears as he noticed you and niki spotted the black magic.

Black magic, it can do almost everything. You can learn black magic by purchasing an illegal book from the black market which is rare to find, or if you're the daughter or the son of a demon or other entities, you'll likely have black magic since birth.

Black magic can do illusions, hypnotize you, spawn weapons with ease. They're almost op, most adventurers avoids black magic at all in fear of gettin arrested for using something illegal.

Suddenly, the hybrid lunged at the both of you. You managed to Dodge just in time and roll towards your sword and gripped it's handle then stood up once again. Niki, however, isn't that much lucky to get out of the way quickly.

His hands were a hand of a beast, it has orange furs and black talons. His hand gripped niki's neck as he pinned her to a nearby tree. Niki gasped in pain as she tried to catch her breathe.

"Niki!" You yelled.

As you were about to charge forward, you saw niki's hands glow a bright purple and your head felt lightheaded, you stumbled a bit as you found yourself hearing voices in your head.

Don't mind me Y/N. Tell the others about the illusion.

A voice spoke in your head, you looked to see wilbur already charging to niki. Before he can get any closer, you yelled out. "STOP!" He paused and looked at you with a distressed look in his face.

"Don't be fooled! He's using illusions!"
You yelled out.

"What do you mean?!" Techno yelled.

"He's using illusions! Those screams earlier aren't real-"

Before you can even continue, you were kicked in the stomach, you flew backwards with a pained yelped. You landed on the grassy ground as you glared at the hybrid.

THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS | TECHNOBLADEWhere stories live. Discover now