"You're still a youtuber?" My dad asked


"Why? You could have gone somewhere in life!" My dad exclaimed

"Yeah dad this job hasn't got me anywhere. Because of this stupid job I have 1.8 million subs, Im going on tours, and im going to be starring in a movie. Infact this job is so bad that they pay me almost as much as you guys get paid" I practically yelled.

Sam put his arm on my shoulder to calm me down, "Lex lets go, yeah?" He asked as he slowly stood up, with me following behind him. We began walking off until I turned back around to say something.

"Oh and fuck you guys, I want nothing to do with you. Have a nice life, maybe you can see me in my movie" I said, and turned on my heel as I walked out the door, leaving my parents shocked.

I jumped into the car and rubbed my temple, and Sam got into the drivers seat. "I'm sorry about that" I mumbled.

"It's fine, it was kinda cool seeing the sassy side of you" Sam said with a wink, and I laughed. "You still up to go to the Hollywood sign?" He asked and I eagerly nodded my head.


"No!" I yelled as I grabbed my bag back, and Sam bursted out into laughter. We ended up staying out the entire day, barely going on our phones, I even turned mine off so I could have a day away from social media.

It was currently 8 o'clock and we were both exusted. It was nice spending the day with Sam, he is such a cool guy. We have basically the same taste in everything. I could tell we were going to be good friends. 

We walked into the kitchen to see Trevor, Kian, and Jc. "What the hell!" Kian yells as he throws his hands into the air. "Nice seeing you too" I mumbled. 

"Where were you? I called and texted you about 100 times!" he yelled. "Sorry, Sam and I went out for the day because we were bored. I guess my text did send through to you saying I was going out" I calmly said as I turned my phone on.

"Well what you guys decided to just randomly leave togehter? What were you even doing that meant you were out all day? You guys aren't even that good of friends!" He exclaimed, I could tell he was angry, but I didn't know what for.

"Kian dude chill, this morning no one was awake so I told her to get dressed and we just went exploring." Sam tried to explain. " We drove around for a few hours, ate, and went to the Hollywood sign. Nothing big."

Jc attempted to tell Kian that he was over thinking things, which he tended to do alot, but he wouldn't listen. "Kiki please can we not fight about this? I had a really weird and busy day and I'm not in the mood" I try saying, and Kian did a fake laugh.

"I thought you had a simple day with Sam, whats so stressful about that? Hm? Are you hiding something from me and thats why it's stressful?" Kian asks, and I stood there shocked that he would assume such a thing.

"What Kian no I-" Kian cut me off and started yelling again, and I couldn't take it. I had two people yell at me already today, I don't need Kian also yelling. I decided that I needed to go to my apartment for the night, so Kian could calm down before he did something he regretted. 

I wasn't that shocked that Kian was acting like this, he was the jealous type, and always over thought the most simple situations.

I started looking for my apartment keys, but they were no where to be found. Suddenly I felt a firm grasp on my wrist, and I was turned around to see Kian looking down at me. "What are you doing? I am talking to you" He firmly said.

"Ki I think I should stay at my apartment tonight, I think you need time to calm down" I tried saying as calm as I could.

"I don't need to calm down, I'm perfectly calm" he said as he tighted then grip on my wrist. "Kian you're hurting me." I quietly whimpered so the other boys couldn't hear me. But he kept tightning his grip.

"Kian you are hurting me stop!" I said louder so the boys could hear this time, and Jc rushed over and yanked Kian's hand off my wrist. "dude c'mon!" Jc yelled. 

I looked down at my wrist to see it red, and a little indent from is ring. He grabbed my arm with scars, which was why it hurt so much, and I tried holding in tears. 

Kian looked at me, and noticed the pain I was in, my wrist was achening. His eyes soften and he turned his body to face me. "Lex I didn't mean to-" I cut him off by putting my hand up. 

"I don't want to talk to you right now." I quietly said. "Lexi do you want to come stay at my house?" Trevor asked, and I slowly nodded my head, folllowing him to the door. 

"Lex wait!" Kian called, but I ignored him. "I'm sorry" he quietly said, and I turned to him "I'm sorry too" I responded.




I added some drama oooOOOOooo

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