26. Revisiting the Past

Start from the beginning

It felt like the pieces of the puzzle landed right at my feet. I just had to pick them and connect them in the right sequence. And that is what I did.

Gabrielle was pregnant.

She angered big heads by siding with us - she wanted a new life, away from the vampires, wolves, and witches.

She saved Noah and almost got killed.

Somehow she escaped and delivered her baby.

The witches avenged their loss by taking her kid away and lockeed him up - something she doesn't know even now.

"Alex" I sighed.

"Dylan, are you alright??"

"Yes" I said.

Lucifer came back and knocked on the door.

"Thanks, Sasha. I got my answers."

I opened the door for him and he looked confused, "My brother just asked me to 'Get Lost' because I woke him up. And he didn't ask you to get out?"

I scoffed, "He asked me to find something else to do. Translation - Get out. Thanks, Lucifer"

He hesitated to speak but I knew him better. I asked him to spit out whatever it was.

"Do you realize you guys are slowly drifting apart? I think you should make some efforts to mend things, SIL"

"Yes" I agreed, a tear rolled down my left cheek, "I think I will"

Now that I know Alex is Gabrielle's son, I should do something to unite the mother and son. He was right. I was the reason he lost his mother - his family. I brought my son back from the dead and Alex lost his entire life. Now I understand why he hates Noah so much. He never got to live with his mother and father while Noah had everything. And I don't see why he shouldn't be angry. And now, I will change that. I will give him back what he deserves.

Sasha came out of the room once Lucifer slept.

"Hey...you are still here?" She asked.

"I knew you'd come out." I said, "Alex is Gabrielle's son"

"Huh?" It is hard to surprise Sasha but she looked clearly shocked - literally, with a hanging mouth. If I had my phone, I would have clicked a picture.

It didn't take long for Sasha to make some calls and get Gabrielle's current phone number. The perks of being Lord Lucifer's wife and Arianna's only daughter.

We rushed to the back garden so that no one would hear us. We dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up the call but no one did. We tried another time and someone received the call. It was definitely not Gabrielle.

"Helloooo...who is this?" said a very young female voice.

The cheerfulness in her tone made me smile, "You must be Gabrielle's daughter"

"Yes" She said, "And Robert's too! That's my dad, by the way. And I am Lola. Glad to meet you...I mean, hear you. Haha! Of course, I am not meeting you. May I know who this is?"

"Dylan Karson"

There was silence from the other end. I frowned and looked at the screen to see if we were still connected or not. We were.

When she finally spoke, there was awe and astonishment in her voice, "Your Majesty"

"So...your mom taught you a lot, I see"

"Yes! She did! I'm honoured! Do you want me to put her on call?"

I thought about it, "Actually, No. I want to speak to you"

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