Part 13

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The next week...

"Hey, have you found those three guys yet?" I asked Kakashi from the little ear spy microfone.

"Nope. You sure they were suppose to be here?" Asked Kakashi from the ear spy microphone.

Kakashi was at the top of a small building looking over a club where those three guys that me and Kiba were running from are.

"Well, that's what Stiles said that they're profile on fac- oh who am I kidding. Stiles couldn't have found their facebook profile picture without a name... STILES!" I yell from outside the police building.

Stiles dad is a police officer, Mr. Stilinski he works here.

And for some reason, Stiles wanted to be here.

"Yes? Seriously, why are you still here, come inside" Said Stiles coming out of the police department but not going fully out, his head half is out and and his other half his legs are inside.

"Whatever. Stiles how'd you find the guy without his name?" I asked as I came in the department.

"I looked into your social media and found this suspicious guy following you in every single social media and so I decided I would check him out" Stiles said as we passed through about 12 desks two each side of the room in three rows each 2 desks each side.

"And how'd you 'check' him out?" I asked quoting the word check.

We came inside a little glass room, probably Mr. Stilinski's office.

"They actually put their real name for some stupid reason, I searched them up in my dad's computer files and the three of them came up. They rob a lot of people, but they usually hang out at that club for some reason. Many police officers tried to take them out but they couldn't, all of them ended up in the hospital. Some even died" Said Stiles as he showed their files to me and Kiba.

"Whoa, it is them" Said Kiba.

"Well, he is right then, they should be there Kakashi. Tell me when they get out of there. And please don't let Damon do anything stupid" I said to Kakashi over the little spy ear microphone.

"Why did it have to be him? He won't stop talking" Said Kakashi over the little microphone.

"Because he was the only one available" I told Kakashi over the little spy microphone.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi asks over the little microphone.

"Stefan is out of town because there's a rumor that Kai is back. Elena is in the hospital a lot of police officers are almost dying. Caroline is inside the club. Klaus is in New Orleans dealing with who's the leader. Elijah is helping Klaus. Kol is completely out of reach don't know why. Scott is inside the club with Caroline. So is Derek. Liam is right outside the club waiting for them. Malia is the bartender there. Isaac is close to Liam, back up you know. And I am waiting for you to give me the signal so I can go get there and get them down" I said through the little microphone hearing thing.

"Hey! Look what they have!" Said Naruto coming inside Mr. Stilinski's office with a glacier donut.

"Question, is it bad if Naruto have sugar?" I ask Kakashi through the little microphone.

"I don't know" Said Kakashi through the microphone.

"Just to be sure" Said Sasuke taking his donut and throwing it in the trash.

"Hey!" Naruto yells going through the trash.

"Disgusting" I say watching Naruto.

"You do know people vomit in their, right?" Stiles says starting to laugh.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" Naruto yells going to the bathroom.

35 minutes later...

"Spotted!" Yelled Damon on the microphone.

"Oh! Damon! Don't scream, your gonna make me deaf. Anyways, I'll be right there" I said over the microphone.

What a pain.

"I'm going in" I said to everyone through the microphone.

20 minutes later...

"Thanks everyone for not knowing the street your on" I said to everyone over the microphone.

When I turn to the one way street I see Isaac and Liam on the floor in pain, while the three guys look over them, not a scratch!

"What the hell?" I say looking terrified.

What are they?

"Hey it's you!" Says the guy in the left side, pointing right at me.

"Shit" I say as they run to me.

The left one runs fast, so fast I don't see him. He gets me from behind while the one of the right and middle punch me. I free myself from them. As teh rest of the fighting crew gets there they flash a light a them and they pass out.

I'm doomed.

I run on the wall and then hang from the right guys shoulder while when getting down to the floor I kick the left one in the face hard, bringing him down with me. Then I kick the middle one in the face but he blocks it. He then pushes me to the ground and I fall in a corner when both the right and left guy stand up and surround me.
That's when four people show up, a blonde girl, red haired girl, pink haired boy, a black haired boy, and a blue flying cat with wings.

"Don't worry we'll save you" Said the guy with pink hair.

"Yeah!" The cat agrees.

"Let's get them" Says the girl with red hair.

"Let's do this" Says the guy with black hair.

"Oh god" Says the girl with blinde hair.

"Fire dragon claws!" Yells the pink haired boy as his feet gets on fire.

He kicks the middle guy, he flies next to me.

"Ice-Make prison!" Yells the black haired guy.

As prison of ice appears where the right guy gets trapped with no way of escape.

"Do you want him dead or alive?" The red haired girl asks me.

"Uh- alive, I guess" I say weakly.

"Lucy, you do it then" Said the red haired girl to the blonde haired girl.

"Okay... Gate if the golden bull key! Cancer!" Says the blonde haired girl holding up a golden key on the air.

A bull like a human shows up.

"Yes, dear?" Asks the bull pervertly.

"Take down that guy" Says the blonde haired girl pointing at the left guy.

"Sure thing" He says running towards the guy.

He punches him right in the face, and strike! He is taken down, litteraly.

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