Part 2

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The next day... Saturday...

"Are you gonna let me in?" I asked as Scott opened the door.

"Yeah... come in" Scott invited me in, confused.

"You can't tell anyone about me" I said as I came in the house, holding him by the neck, on the wall, face to face.

Scott had invited me earlier to his house to talk about yesterday, me being a tribrid and them being a werewolf.

"I thought you said she was nice" Said a boy from the dining room, he was also from our school.

"She was" Scott said almost out of breath.

I let go of Scott and walked over to the dining room where Malia, Stiles and a girl and 2 boys were there that I didn't know but saw them in school. Well and a man that was at least in his 20s, he's probably Derek.

"Ok then... Maya this is our friends uh- Lydia, Isaac, Liam, Mason, and this is Derek" Scott introduced them to me as he walked around the room.

"And me, Stiles and Malia, plus Scott too" Mumbled Stiles, sitting in a chair next to Lydia.

"At least now I'm not the only new person to the supernatural world!" Said Mason excited as he putted his arms around my shoulder, smiling widely.

I hate when people tell parts of the conversation instead of the whole thing. When Mason turned to see my face i showed him my red bright demon wolf eyes and my fangs, plus just so it got more exciting I pretended I was gonna bite him.

"She is a tribrid..." Said Scott looking at Derek.

"What is a tribrid?" Derek asked angrily as he standed up.

"It's when your a wolf, vampire and a witch" I said as they all just stared at me, not knowing what to say.

"I don't... what to say" Said Stiles after a long 2 minutes of them staring at me.

"What type of werewolf are you guys?" I said fast, so we could move on from that subject.

"Uh- um- eh- I'm a true alpha" Said Scott giving a little laugh.

"I'm an omega" Said Derek, sitting back down.

Malia standed up.

"I'm a werecoyote, I a-" I interrupted Malia, "I know what it means" I said.

"Okay..." Said Malia sitting back down.

"I'm a beta, normal beta..." Said Isaac as he turned his eyes to the other direction where he couldn't see me.

"I'm a banshee, I'm sure you don't-" I interrupted Lydia, "I know what a banshee is, too" I said closing my eyes for a few seconds.

"I'm, also, beta" Said Liam, he seemed scared... they all did.

"And I'm human!" Said Stiles opening his arms up high, that on isn't.

"I'm also human..." Said Mason looking the same way that Isaac was looking.

"I'm not evil, I'm not mean either you know" I said looking at their faces finally, instead of their backs.

"So... what are your parents?" Stiles asked.

"My dad was human, a vampire hunter though. He died 1864" I said remembering that day, he was always evil anyways.

"What about your mom?" Isaac asked.

"She ran away, my dad was abusive kinda of" I said.

"How old are you?" Mason asked.

"171 years old, but I look like 17 since I technically died at 17" I said, smiling.

"How did you die?" Isaac asked.

"My friend she was a vampire and well my dad discovered it and catched her, we tried to free her and we got shot by our dad" I said, rubbing my stomach, where he shot me.

That memorie will never be gone.

"How do you remember all this stuff?" Malia asked.

"I have a good memorie. Plus I also had diaries where i wrote what happened everyday, every single detail. I still write in diaries, memories are imporant" I said snifing my nose, and breathing slowly and deeply.

It was my brother's idea to write in diaries.

"Are you okay?" Isaac asked walking up to me.

"Uh- yeah, sorry" I said wiping my cheeks as tears came down.

*seriously!* my phone rings, when someone calls me I hear their voice say my favorite word or sentence. In this case I love when Caroline said Seriously when she discovered that Bonnie and Jeremy were dating.

"I have to go, see you guys monday at school" I said as I left the house as i attened the phone.

"So, you found anything to bring my dead brother back?" I asked, kinda of angrily.

"Actually, I just found out how to bring everyone back" Said Caroline through the phone.

"Say, what?!" I yelled.

"It's an old diamond, and it's the key to the dead. We will need five witches though" Caroline said, she seemed to be on a car.

"What else?" I asked as I headed to the salvatore boarding school, I know she is going there.

"10 pints of tribrids blood" Carolione said.

"So me and Hope have to give 5- pints of blood, each?!" I said, freaking out.

That is way too much blood, Hope isn't fully a vampire yet she could die!

"Yes, but your both vampires! You'll survive!" Caroline said.

"Caroline... Uh- are you heading to the Salvatore School now?" I asked, changing the subject.

I'm a vampire, I can survive being taken 5 pints of blood out of me... right? Whatever, I will survive and my brothers will be back home.

"Yeah, meet you there?" She asked.

"Absolutley!" I said as I hung up.

Just 5 more minutes till Salvatore school, I am currently vamp speeding. I am almost as fast as the flash! It feels so good, so free.

Maya Salvatore and The multiverseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum