He so badly wanted to take back that day on March sixteenth. The day when she was so excited to see him and he saw her defeated look when she realized what was happening. He wished he had gave her a tight hug like he had the two times before she had visited him. He wanted to kiss the daylights out of her and spend the night cuddling, enjoying the warmth her body gave him. The happiness that radiated off of their bodies that was caused by one another.

He went home, his shoulders sagged and his heart heavy.

His mom saw the sad look in his eyes and immediately brought him into her motherly hold, consoling the poor boy.

"She left mom" he whispered pathetically.

She didn't say anything, just leading him to the couch where he curled up into his mom. It reminded her of the time he really liked this girl he was dating in seventh grade and she had broke his poor heart for another boy who had played one more sport than him. He cried for two days and she has consoled him, telling him that it would be okay. Which by the week after he was fine, but in that moment his twelve year old self thought he would never get over it.

"I tried so hard mom" he whimpered, "I tried so hard for her to stay but she didn't listen to me."

She rubbed his back, having her hold tighten letting him get out his emotions before trying to speak.

"I ruined it, I ruined everything. I messed up, I messed up so bad and I don't know what to do. I want her back so bad" he cried softly.

His heart hurt, his head hurt, the heavy weight on his shoulders and heart and all he wanted to do was hold Blake in his arms. He wanted to protect her from the world, he wanted to make sure he never hurt her again. He wanted to shield her away from any bad that would come her way.

"I don't know what to do she left mom, she left."

Tammy sat thinking, before simply stating "if you guys are meant to be you'll find your way back to each other."

He sniffled and sat up, pulling away from her hold. "That's it?"

"Focus on college, if you guys find each other after that then it was meant to be. But if you don't and you both move on then it wasn't. You both were great for each other everyone saw that but if you don't find her again then you will be able to move on. You will know what to do and what not to do in a relationship from yours with Blake. You will know how a girl should be treating you. It all comes with time though, let her focus on herself and you focus on yourself. You just have to be patience."

Her words stuck itself in his brain like it was on a loop. Tammy left her son to his thoughts and he stared at the wall. Patience. That's what he had to have. If he was truly meant to be with Blake then they will find each other again one day.

But as much as he wanted to just be patient he knew it would be harder. He didn't want to be patient. He wanted Blake in his arms right now. He wanted her to be his girlfriend again. He wished he could get his way even though he knew that he couldn't.


He needed to have something that he only really ever had with Blake. A thing that seemed so foreign to him before her because he was the most impatient person ever. Patience. A thing that he grown to see exactly what it was because of how stubborn Blake really was.


He hoped to God that him and Blake were meant to be. The thought of dating or marrying a girl that wasn't Blake made his stomach twist into a tight knot. It twisted into an even tighter knot thinking of Blake dating or marrying someone who wasn't him.

His phone buzzed and he looked at his phone.

blake just posted a photo

He was quick to open it, his stomach doing summer-salts at the caption.

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blake: just give me time, i'm still hurt.

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Yes... yes he could do that. He could do that for Blake.

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