"I know, I just need to try and get her back but she told me she is leaving tonight. Do you think you can help me?"

She sighed and the man walked back into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I can pretend I'm sick or something and need her around until I'm better. That gives you about three or four days. But after that you're on your own."

"Okay, thank you Susie" he smiled.

"Oh and I want you to meet my boyfriend David."

Jace shook his hand, now he knows why Blake was back home. Susie wanted Blake to meet her new boyfriend, he hopes she didn't take it badly. Even though he had a feeling she did.

"Did Blake take it okay?" he asked softly.

"Not really but it's understandable."

He nodded, "do you mind giving me her new number? Just so I have it when she leaves, I won't tell her you gave it to me I promise."

She looked at Jace skeptically, "I'm sorry but I don't want to get her upset when she finds out I gave it to you."

Jace sighed, "yeah I understand."

"You should get going, she should be back soon."

"Thank you again Susie, I won't let you or her down again I promise."

She nodded with a smile and he left quickly.

"He seems like a good kid" David said.

"He is, I'm hoping Blake isn't too hard on him because he was good for her."

David nodded, he could tell Jace was in love with Blake. Just the mention of her brought a light in his eyes.

Jace went out to the store and bought her a cute stuffed animal of a little bear holding a guitar. He got her some of her favorite snacks and went back to his house to take out some of the gifts she had gotten him that he kept in his dorm room.

He went to her house and knocked on the door, holding all the stuff in his hands.

"The fuck did I say about you being here?" she asked him with a flat tone.

"I got you some of your favorite snacks and a stuffed animal."

He reached it out to her and she took the stuffed animal from him. His heart began beating quickly but deflated almost instantly when she chucked it into a puddle by the sewer drain.

"I don't want your fucking gifts Jace, you broke up with me. Stop trying to play it off like it was the other way around."

"Blake I'm not, I'm really not I promise you. Look, I got you some snacks and see all these gifts you gave me before? I've kept them in my dorm room even after we broke up."


He looked at her, "do you still love me?"

She stared at him blankly, he so badly wanted to see that light sparkle in her eyes. He made it go away, it was his fault.

"I still love you, I will never stop" he said softly after she didn't respond.

"Cool, you done now?"

Jace handed over the snacks, "at least take these. I really don't want them to go to waste."

She took them out of his hands, making sure not to touch him.

"Well, bye."

"Blake wait."

He went to reach out to touch her but she flew away from it. "Don't ever try and fucking touch me again" she hissed.

"You know I'm sorry."

"No, no I really don't know. All I know is you broke up with your girlfriend and because you're back in Mass you think 'hey let's get back with Blake to occupy myself over the summer.' So when you go back to college you're going to break my heart again because you can't do distance. Which by the fucking way is complete bullshit because before you even went away you told me we would make it work no matter what. So that just makes you a fucking liar as well."

He looked down at his shoes and sighed.

"But you know what? I thank you. Thank you for breaking my heart because if it wasn't for you being a dickhead then I wouldn't have written my first album that made number one in the charts within a week. So for that I thank you, bye pendejo."

She shut the door in his face and he rubbed his hands down his face harshly.

He'll just have to try again tomorrow.

The Girl with the Purple HairWhere stories live. Discover now