The Princess and The Pirate (Part One)

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Description: When Emma is pulled into the wish realm because of the Evil Queen's wish, Regina wishes Killian to join her there but there is one small catch. Because it isn't his wish, he will loose his memories of this world too and all he know will be the wish. What happens when the Princess' and pirate's lives crash together? Will they be able to remember their real lives and their love? Or will they be stuck in a wish forever? 

"I'm pretty sure this will work. Me and the Evil Queen are technically the same person so I should be able to make a wish. And I'll be able to wish you to wherever Emma is. But, um, there is a catch, something I find out when I was learning about how wishes worked back in the Enchanted Forest. You know all magic comes with a price and this one will too. Because it isn't your wish, you won't remember any of this. You won't remember Storybrooke or Emma. All you'll know is the past that the wish gives you." Regina explained. 

"Why don't you just wish yourself there?" 

"Because this is a curse. And curses are broken with true love's kiss. You need to find Emma, make her fall in love with you and then kiss her." 

"Well that's all good and said but how the hell am I going to do that if I don't remember it." Killian shouted, growing more and more agitated and annoyed. 

"I don't know. We're just going to have to hope that you run into each other. Look, I understand that there's a massive risk and that this is a giant sacrifice so you don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can try and find another way." 

"No. I have to do this. I have to get her back. We can't wait any longer. I don't care." He said determinedly. Regina raised her eyebrows at the pirate before nodding slowly, pursing her lips together. 

Killian didn't have time for her judgement. He literally didn't care any more. He didn't care about anything anymore. Apart from his Emma. She was all that mattered anymore and all his energy and effort was focused on getting his true love back. Because he had to get her back. He'd do whatever it took to do so. Screw the risks. Screw the consequences. He didn't care that he was facing memory less or the possibility of being stuck in a fake reality for the rest of his life. Killian would get his Swan back. And they'd already been through so much on their journey to falling in love and finding each other. This was just another unexpected bump in the road. They'd faced so much worse. Pan. Curses. Zelena. Time travel. The Snow Queen. Rumplestiltskin. The author. Darkness. Even Death. If they could come back from that, they could come back from anything. They'd already fallen in love once. It could and would happen again. And they'd also fallen in love in other alternate realities. 

They had true love after all. A strong, beautiful connection that couldn't be broken by some silly wish. God, he loved her so much. For so long he'd been broken and consumed by vengeance and then Emma had come along. She was the sun and like a rainy day clearing, all the pain and darkness he'd held for so long had simply flown away. She was his everything. His happiness. His joy. The centre of his world. His reason for living. Oh god, why did this have to happen now?! They'd only been apart for less than an hour but Killian already missed her. Missed being able to kiss or hold her. Missed being able to remind her that he loved her and then hearing that beautiful, enchanting laugh. Missed just being able to look at her. Because, god, she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever had the joy of looking at. He loved her golden hair and the way it tumbled and curled down her shoulders. He loved her bright forest-green eyes full of so much love and light. He loved her gorgeous smile and how when she looked at him with love in her eyes, he felt like the luckiest man in all the universe. 

Which he was really. Killian didn't deserve Emma but for some strange reason that he still didn't fully understand, he'd been able to make her fall for him and out of all the men she could've had, Emma had chosen to love him. But now she was gone and it felt like his heart was ripping in two. Like she had taken a piece of it with her. And the worst part was that he had been so close to finally getting what he'd always wanted. They had moved in together and were beginning their future. And he'd been planning to ask her to marry him. Killian fiddled with the ring in his pocket, his fingers tracing it lightly, as he thought about what he could've had. He thought about what he would've said and what she would've said. He thought about the shocked but happy look on her face. He thought being able to see that ring on her finger and being able to call her his fiancée and then his wife. He so badly wanted to be able to call Emma his wife. And now, well, now, she might never remember him ever again. But no he couldn't think like that. He was going to get her back. They would get their happy ending. 

"You ready for this? She's going to put up a fight. She won't like us just walking there." 

"I'm always ready for a fight. And, as I said before, I don't frankly care about your evil half. I'll do whatever it takes to get Emma back." 

"Right. Good. So here's the plan. I'll go in first and then you'll come in. Surprise her and keep her distracted while I check with Aladdin if this will work and then I'll wish you to wherever she is."

Killian nodded and they continued their way to Regina's office in silence. Regina slowly and carefully opened the door as she walked in, giving him a curt nod before doing so. He heard the faint echo of their voices as he stood against the wall, trying to decide what he was going to do. He waited till the Evil Queen had her back to the door and then slipped inside. It looked like she was just about to throw a fireball at Regina but he grabbed her arms, pulled them behind her back and held up his hook to her neck, threatening to rip it out. 

"You gonna kill me, pirate? Because then you'll have no chance at finding Emma again." The Evil Queen mocked. 

"No, we're going to get her back!" Regina exclaimed. 

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" The Evil Queen said, laughing cruelly. 

"As much as it kills me to admit, we are the same person, which means Aladdin here has two masters now. Meaning I can make a wish, right?" 

"Yes!" Aladdin exclaimed happily, perking up slightly. 

"I wish for you to send Killian Jones to where you sent Emma Swan." Aladdin nodded, clicking his fingers, and the last thing Killian saw was Regina staring at him. Then he descended into a pit of darkness. 

Author's Note: 

Hi! Sorry this chapter is so short but it was just meant to introduce this storyline. I'll try to get part two up quickly. Sorry it's also taken me so long to update. I have other books and my mocks are coming up so I'm having to do revision for that so it might be a while between updates. Still I hope you enjoyed! Comments and votes are always appreciated! 💚💚💚

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