No Secrets (Part One)

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Summary: Killian tells Emma the truth about what he did to David's father and the fight before reuniting. 

Emma yawned and scratched the back of her neck. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw the ring on her finger. She was engaged! To her true love! Soon, she would be a Jones and Killian would become her husband. Emma was so happy and she couldn't wait for her wedding day. If someone had told her ten years ago that one day she would be marrying Captain Hook, Emma would've called someone for help because she'd think that they are crazy. She chuckled softly and reached over to the other side of the bed. She really wanted to kiss her dashing fiancee. Emma was surprised to find the other side empty. Killian would normally wake up before her but he always waited for Emma to wake up. She frowned. Had something bad happened to him? She jumped out of the bed and dashed out of the room. No one's allowed to hurt her fiancee. 

Growing more and more worried, she ran down the stairs. Emma didn't think her heart had ever beaten this fast. But it was okay. All her worries flew away when she saw her handsome fiancee sitting on the couch. She sat down next to him and snuggled in his arm. Emma still felt the most safe and the most happy in his arms. 

"I was worried when you weren't there when I woke up. I thought something bad had happened to you." Emma said, running her hand through his hair that always seemed to fall so perfectly onto his face. He was perfect. They were perfect. Everything was perfect. She leaned in to kiss him and then pulled back in shock. Killian looked awful. His hair was a mess, his eyes were bloodshot with dark circles underneath. And she didn't see his usual goofy smile but a frown. And she couldn't find any life, happiness or love in his eyes. They looked dead and were devoid of emotion. Killian looked broken. A husk of the man she agreed to marry last night. 

"Killian? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. That snapped Killian back to life and brought him back to reality. 

"Swan, you're up." Emma frowned and gawped at him. What the hell is going on?  Last night had been so amazing. She'd never felt more happier. But all that happiness was gone replaced by worry and fear. "What's the matter?" she asked softly. 

"I've ruined everything." Emma grew more frightened. 

"Killian, you can tell me anything. What's happened?" He moaned slightly and his head sank into his hands. He looked so weak and so depressed. Emma hated him seeing like this and she didn't really know what she was doing. She wrapped her arm around her waist and rubbed his back soothingly. "I've done something awful." 

"What?" Killian shook his head as he started to sob. 

"Hey, it's okay. Tell me what's going on. We'll be able to figure it out together." Killian pulled away from her and started to pace. 

"No. Because after this you'll hate me forever." 

"I could never hate you, Killian. You're my fiancee and I love you with all my heart." He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. 

"God, I'm such an idiot. I've destroyed everything." he shouted. I got up and placed my hands on his arms. 

"Killian, you're scaring me. What the hell is going on?" she exclaimed. Killian stopped pacing and stared very intensely at her. So intensely that he might drill a hole in her head. 

"I promise everything is going to be okay. I love you and nothing is going to change that." she said softly. He was quiet for a few moments before slowly nodding. 

"Something from my past has recently come back to haunt me."

"I don't care. You've changed, Killian. You're not that man anymore. You're a hero now and you're my fiancee." 

"You will care. And after hearing this, I'm not sure your going to want to marry me anymore." Emma gasped in complete shock. She felt really hurt too. Did Killian not want to marry her? Did he regret proposing to her? 

"Killian, just tell me." she snapped. His eyes flashed with pain and sighed.

"A couple of nights ago, your father wasn't doing so well. He wanted to find who murdered his father and he enlisted my help. We went to the wooden man-child, August, because we found out David's father was in Pleasure Island before he died. He told us some stuff and then said he'd find the pages about Pleasure Island from the storybook. David found out that King George ordered his dad to be killed. He was about to get his revenge but I stopped him because I didn't want him to make the same mistakes I did. Everything was okay but then August came by and gave me the pages. And I recognised David's father. It was a long time ago and I was a very different man then. I killed the two men that were about to kill him. He begged me not to kill him, said he had a son to get back too but I didn't care. I killed him. I killed David's father."

It was like Emma had been punched multiple times in the gut. Her eyes started to swim as she stared at the man in front of her with her mouth agape. A few minutes, he was her fiancee and the man she loved. But all she saw now was the man who had murdered her grandfather. Emma had never felt more hurt or betrayed. 

"What?" she asked. She was hoping that somehow she had misunderstood. That everything was okay. That she could go back to how happy and alive and loved she had felt the previous night. 

"I'm so sorry, Emma. I didn't know. If I did. If I had. I-just don't know what to say." She stepped away from him, shaking her head. Emma started to sob. 

"You killed my grandfather?" she cried. Killian's heart stopped and his stomach dropped. He hadn't though of it like that. He didn't just kill David's father, he killed his swan's, his true love's, his fiancee's, his Emma's grandfather. His face looked even more broken than before.

"I need some air and some space." Emma cried, running out of the house. The slam of the door made Killian flinch. It marked the moment his heart broke in two. He moaned as he pulled his hair in frustration and anger. Killian had never hated himself more than he did right now. He had ruined everything. He desperately wanted to go back in time, back to when he was happy. David had just given Killian his blessing and he was heading home to his beautiful Swan. He had so many plans. He would propose to Emma on the Jolly Roger and then they would have the most amazing wedding. After that, they'd go on a honeymoon to the Enchanted Forest, where Killian could show Emma his world. He'd teach her to sail, how to ride a horse and how to sword fight. After a few years of married life, they'd start a family of their own. And after their kids grew up and got married and had their own kids, they grew old together, living out their own happy ending. 

But now all those plans were demolished. Because of him. Because he was an awful, disgusting, dirty pirate who had destroyed many families. But now he had destroyed his Swan's family. He was a villain. And villains don't get happy endings. He should've know that his happiness and his great life would eventually be ruined. God, he was such an idiot. He was just so exasperated with him himself. And he needed to let those feelings out. Killian kicked over a chair and then threw a few pillows. One hit a lamp and after it wobbled for a bit, it toppled over. A vase smashed onto the floor and he threw a glass against the wall. He kicked walls, the couch, cupboards and more, all while tears streamed down the face. Tired, Killian grabbed his rum flask, stumbled upstairs and collapsed on their bed. Except it wouldn't be their bed anymore. He presumed Emma would kick him out. He'd to move back onto the Jolly Roger, embarrassed and devastated. 

Still sobbing, he took a gulp of rum. He wanted all his feelings to go away. He wanted all the pain to disappear. And the rum helped with Milah. It made Killian forget the reason he was so upset in the first place. But Emma was different. Emma was his true love. She was so fierce, amazing, funny, sassy, sexy, beautiful, adorable, strong, powerful, special and incredible. She was just so........Emma. And now she was gone. A night ago, Emma had been his. They were engaged but now all of that was gone. It was no more. They were no more. And it broke his heart. It was all over. And it was all his fault. 

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