Her Walls (Part Three)

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Emma yawned as she woke up. She smiled softly as all the memories from last night came flooding back. She and Killian had had lots of......fun. Even though they technically had done it before, Emma didn't remember it. This was like their first time. And it was incredible. And he was so sweet and caring. She felt a bit scared and self conscious at first but all those fears slipped away because of him. He constantly told her that she loved him and that she was beautiful. And Killian also kept making sure that she was okay. Her body glowed with the memory. And now she desperately wanted him again. Why wasn't she still entangled in his arms? She reached out to the other side of the bed and frowned when she felt an empty space. Where the hell was Killian? He wouldn't just leave her. She opened her eyes and sat up. And what she saw completely destroyed her. 

She was in her parent's apartment. In her room. No. No. No. This can't be happening. This cannot be happening. No. Her amazing life with Killian with her incredible children. Liam and Hope. The love that Killian and Emma shared. That amazing, amazing night. It couldn't all be dream. It couldn't all be fake. It had to be real. She needed it to be real. She needed him. Her eyes started to swim. It felt like her heart was breaking. Emma needed answers. She needed to find out what happened to her. She needed to know if she still had her amazing life. She ran down the stairs. 

"Morning!" Mary-Margaret exclaimed, chipper as usual. And Emma wasn't in the mood this morning. "You slept in, Em." David commented. 

"I was having a really good dream." Emma whispered sadly. 

"Mom, are you okay? You seem like you have something on your mind." Henry asked. Emma sighed and bit her lip. 

"I just need to find someone." With that, she turned her away from her son and dashed out of the apartment. Emma sprinted down the stairs, out of the building and along the street until she finally came to the house her little family lived in. She moaned a little as she saw a for sale sign. So, that was that? No. She just needed to check. 

"It's all about the tumblers." Emma whispered softly, as she picked the lock of the house. Walking into the house, she was hoping to see Killian making pancakes, photos or Liam and Hope. But nobody was there. The house was completely empty. It was like a knife to their heart. Her perfect life, her perfect family and her perfect relationship was all fake. It was all a dream. Emma collapsed onto the floor and curled up, putting her head in her legs. And then she did something that was very unlike Emma, she started to cry. And not just cry, she was full on sobbing. 

After about twenty minutes of crying, Emma wiped her eyes and sniffed. Why does crying always help and make it seem better? All Emma wanted was to be happy again and feel loved. To have a family and to have a future with the man she loved. But she didn't have any of those things. And then like a ray of hope, Emma realised something. Yes, she didn't have any of those things right now. But that didn't mean she couldn't. It wasn't too late, was it? She could still go to Killian and tell him. Tell him that she loves him. Tell him that she wants a future with him. She jumped up and dashed out of the house. So where would Killian be? Normally, she would say his ship. But he traded it for a magic bean to get back to Emma. She smiled and glowed as she remembered what he did. Emma had been overcome with emotion, love and happiness when he told her. She just couldn't help herself, she needed to kiss him. And that's what she needed to do now.

Even if Killian didn't have his ship, Emma knew he would still be at the docks. And she needed to find him. So that's where she ran. And there he was. Killian Jones. Staring out at the ocean, drinking rum- as usual. Every time she looked at him, her heart skipped a beat. Her devilishly-handsome, dashing, piercing blue-eyed pirate. Taking a deep breath, she walked further until she was about 10 metres from him. 

"Killian?" He turned around and when he saw her, he looked partly happy, partly depressed. "Swan? Is there a problem? Did I miss the search party for the Snow Queen?" he asked. 

"Er no. It's nothing like that. I just needed to see you." Killian let out an annoyed, angry laugh and his jaw tightened. 

"Why? You said you didn't want to do this. So, I'd prefer if you just left me alone and stopped playing with my heart. Because it's not fun for me." he snapped angrily. Emma sighed and squeezed her eyes shut. She had obviously really hurt him and that destroyed her.

"I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have pushed you away. I was just scared and I know that's not a good enough excuse. But I was falling for you and I felt happy with you and that's when my walls come up. But I don't care anymore. I want to be with you. I want to have a future with you because....I love you." Emma told Killian.


"I love you." Killian's eyes widened and his mouth dropped slightly. He stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. Did she really just say that? He always thought he'd be the first to say that. 

"And I understand if you don't feel the same way. I know I messed up. And I know I hurt you. I'm just so sorry. I wish I hadn't run away last night." Emma said sadly. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. God, she messed everything up. Emma could've been happy. She could've have a future. But now all of that is destroyed. Why would Killian want her now? 

"It's okay, I get it. I'd be angry at me too. I'll go now. I'm just really sorry and I hope you can be happy." she whispered, trying desperately not to cry. She turned and started to walk away but something grabbed her arm and turned her back around. It was Killian. 

His soft lips that tasted like rum pressed against hers and she couldn't help but smile as his arms snaked around her waist. Emma pushed Killian up against the wall and then pushed herself up against Killian. Their kiss grew more passionate and Emma placed her hands on her pirate's chest. Eventually, they parted and Emma smiled softly. "That was..." Emma said. 

"A one time thing." Killian interrupted, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes and lightly punched his chest. Killian chuckled, shaking his head. 

"Shut up pirate and kiss me again." Emma told him. 

"Gladly." Killian pulled Emma in again and pushed his lips against hers. After a while, they separated and Killian smiled at her. Their hands intertwined. 

"I love you too." Killian said, smiling widely. This was everything he'd ever dreamed off. Emma giggled and kissed him once more. 

"Everything's going to be okay, Killian. We're going to make it. We have an amazing future ahead of us." Emma exclaimed happily. 

"So, does this mean I've won your heart?" Killian asked. 

"You won it a long time ago. I was just too scared to admit it. " Emma replied. 

"So, I have the right to call you mine?" he asked once more.

"I'm yours. Forever and always." she answered. Killian's smile grew even wider as he lifted her up, twirling her around and then kissing her. They were both happy because they were happiest in each other's arms. All they wanted was to be with one another. And now they were and even though she wasn't going to tell Killian about it, Emma thought that maybe her dream wasn't just a dream. Maybe it was like a vision to persuade her to take a leap of faith and be with Killian. Which meant that one day, she would have that amazing life again. And she would be happy with two incredible children and a supportive, brilliant, devilishly, loving husband. Her walls had been brought down and Emma couldn't be more happy about it.  

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