New York (Part Three)

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Emma slipped into her chair as she smiled at he handsome husband, who was sitting across from her. She flicked her hair behind her shoulders and smiled as Killian passed her a rose. 

"Oh Killy! This is just like the one you gave me on our first date. Thank you so much!" Emma exclaimed happily, placing it down on the table. She lent over and grabbed his hand. 

"That's alright, Love. Anything for my Swan. And don't call me Killy." She giggled, lifting her eyebrows. 

"Why not? It's adorable." Emma laughed. He shook his head but couldn't help but join in with the laughter. Beaming at her husband, she reflected on the second time they had come to this restaurant, when he proposed. It was the third most amazing night of her life. Joint first was Hope and Henry's birth and second was their wedding day. She was just so happy. 

Killian was pretending to be happy. But on the inside he was screaming and breaking down. Like he had been all day. As soon as he had got to work, he had researched and tried to found something out about the man who had paid him a visit. The crazy, crazy man. Or was it Killian who was crazy? But there was nothing. He had found nothing. It was like he didn't exist. It was like he wasn't from this world. And this man somehow knew him and knew his family. The people who mattered most to him. What if he did something else? They ordered food and then Emma stood up. 

"I'm just going to go to the toilet quickly. I'll be back soon, babe." she said. Emma leaned down and their lips met for a brief second. She frowned. Normally when they kissed, Killian's whole face lit up. But now, he looked distraught. "Killian, is there a problem?" she asked worriedly, stroking his face. 

"Course not, Love." he said, smiling. That left Killian by himself and he got his phone and decided to text his partner to see if they had found anything out about this man. A few minutes passed and out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone sit down in the chair in front of him. 

"Wait a sec, Swan. I just need to deal with this work thing." he said, finishing a text. He put his phone down and looked up. But it wasn't his Swan. It was the man and he was filled with such rage. "You!" Killian shouted. 

"Don't scream." Reaching over, he grabbed the man's shirt and pulled him close. 

"What the hell are you doing here? Me and my wife are on a date. And I'm not letting you ruin it." Killian spat. 

"Look you need to listen to me. I am telling the truth here. It is vital that you follow what I say." Killian rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. 

"Right, I should definitely listen to the crazy person. There's obviously something with your brain." 

"You're the one who has a problem with your brain. You don't remember who you really are because of the curse. But you need to remember because Emma needs to remember. And I think you're the only one who can make her remember." the man explained. 

"Remember what?! You're not making any sense! I remember my whole life." he exclaimed, desperately wanting some real answers. 

"Those aren't real memories. They're fake! All based on magical nonsense!"

"Right. You're insane." 

"Look, I know you, Killian. And I know you always follow your instincts. And I know that your instincts are never wrong. You know what I'm telling you is true. Otherwise you wouldn't be so worried about this." Killian was silent as he let the man go, crossing his arms. The man pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket and slid it over to him. There was an address written on it. 

"Go to this apartment and then you'll know what I'm saying is true. You need to do the right thing. For Emma and for Henry." Killian frowned. Why did he leave out Hope? 

"Get out of my face before I arrest you." he growled. The man sighed and stood up from the table. "Just go to this place. Please Killian. It's for the best." he said, before walking out of the restaurant. Killian pocketed the paper, shaking his head. About a minute later, Emma sat back down with a smile. "Did you miss me?" she asked. 

"Yeah, of course." 

The next day... 

Killian walked out of his apartment. He had just said goodbye to Henry, Emma and Hope, who all thought he was heading off to work. But he called up to work, saying he was sick. Because today he was going on a trip. He had to go to this address. He needed to know. Because the man was right. His gut was telling him to go to this place and he had always followed his gut and it had never led him astray before. And he had to try and figure this out. He needed some answers because right now this was driving him insane. He found the address and entered the apartment. He expected something strange or someone in the apartment. But it looked like an empty, regular apartment. He raised one of his eyebrows as he searched round. It looked like one person lived here. A man and he didn't seem much for possessions. He headed over to a pile of letters to see the name of the person who lived here. Once he knew this, he could figure out what's happening. 

Lifting up the letter, he read the name. He dropped the letter in surprise. No. No. No. It couldn't be. Neal Cassidy, his fuel for nightmares. Neal was Henry's father and Emma's ex-boyfriend. Did he send the man? Was he trying to get into Henry's life? Was he trying to win Emma back? He couldn't let this happen. He searched the last bit of the apartment and what he found sent chills down his spine. It was a camera with Henry's name on it. He needed to find Neal and stop him. He needed to stop him to protect his family and the people he loves. Slamming the door behind him, he stormed out of the apartment and back down the stairs. His phone buzzed in his pocket, revealing a text. It was from the man, telling him that they needed to meet up. And Killian agreed. He needed to know what the hell Neal was doing. 

"Good you came." the man said.

"How the hell was this in Neal's apartment?" he asked angrily, holding the camera in his hand. "Henry must've left it there when he visited a year ago." the man said. 

"What?! Henry has never met his father. And a year ago, we were living in Boston. We didn't take any trips to New York." Killian exclaimed, shaking his head. This man just wasn't making any sense. 

"Look, I understood your confused. But you just need to remember. That's all you need to do. And, as I said before, all you need to drink this." he said, holding out a small, blue bottle filled with a liquid. 

"I'm not going to drink that! It could be poison! Or some sort of drug that's making you crazy and going to make me crazy. My family needs me." The man was silent for a few moments as he stared at Killian. 

"I know you're not going to believe me. No matter what I say but this isn't anything bad. It's magic and it's gonna do you some good. You need to drink it. Not just to save Storybrooke. But to save your family. If you really do love Emma and Henry, if you want to do what's best for them, then you have to drink this." 

Of course he loved Emma and Henry. Of course he loved his family. Of course he wants do what's best for them. And his instincts were screaming at him to take a leap of faith and drink the liquid. He just had a desire to know the truth because it was tearing him up from the inside. And it didn't matter whether it was poison or what the man said it was. Either way the worry and pain that was building up in him would stop. Killian grabbed the bottle, pulled the lid off and downed in one gulp. Everything came back to him in a flash. His father abandoning him. Liam being his brother and then dying. Milah's heart being crushed in front of him and his hand being cut of. Years spent in Neverland, wanting revenge. Meeting Cora and Emma. Climbing a beanstalk and being abandoned. Going back to Neverland to save Henry. Falling deeply in love. And the curse. Pan's curse, where he had to say goodbye to his Swan. He was Captain Hook and now he remembered everything. Killian glanced up at the man who he now recognised. 

"David." He passed Killian a very familiar metal contraption. His Hook. Pulling the fake hand he'd been wearing for the past year, he clicked the hook into place. "Welcome back, Hook." 

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