Did You Mean It?

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Summary: After paying a visit to the Echo Caves, Emma has a burning question to ask Killian. This leads to a serious conversation, a secret being revealed and another shared moment between the two. 

It was the night after they all had shared their deepest secrets at Echo Cave. And Emma was deep in thought. And she definitely had a lot to think about. Neal, the father of her child, the guy she had loved at some point and still had some confusing feelings for. Mary-Margaret wanted another child, which meant that she could've been an older sister. But David had been poisoned by dreamshade and then cured, which meant he could never leave the island. And then Regina had left to go find Gold. And he was running around Neverland, doing god knows what. Then, there was Henry-her son. He had been kidnapped by Peter Pan and was slowly being turned into a lost boy. So, yeah Emma had a LOT to think about. But there was only one thing on her mind right now. Hook. More specifically, she was thinking about what he said. 

He had moved on from his first love because of......her. That's right, Captain Hook was in love with her. God, that sentence was a lot. If someone had told her that ten years ago, Emma would've laughed at them and called them crazy. And still this was kind of crazy. Hook had been deeply in love with Milah and had spent hundreds of years trying to get his revenge and kill Rumplestiltskin. And he had let go off all of that and moved on because of Emma. Because he had feelings for her. But it just didn't make sense. So, Emma was trying to figure out what was going on with Hook. Her head was pounding and it felt like she was going round in circles. Frustrated, Emma turned onto her slide. She was supposed to be getting to sleep and focusing on saving her son. But all she could think about was some pirate. Even though he was a very handsome pirate. 

Emma berated herself, knowing that her mind should be on Henry. She needed to get over this once and for all. And to do that, she needed to talk to the man who was giving her this headache. Hook. He was taking first watch so he would be awake right now. Emma sat up and sighed, running a hand through her hair. She slowly made her way other to Hook and then sat down next to him. 

"We need to talk." she said, trying to act like she wasn't completely broken inside. 

"What would you like to shout at me about now?" he asked, smirking a little. Emma scoffed and rolled her eyes. God, he got on her nerves sometimes. But it was weird. Yes it was annoying when he made stupid comments but they were annoying in a good way. She couldn't help but find them funny and her heart always skipped a beat. 

"I don't want to shout at you. I just need to ask you something." she muttered. He raised his eyebrows expectantly. She took a deep breath before asking the question that had been plaguing her mind. 

"Did you mean what you said? Y'know at the caves. Did you mean it?" she asked. Emma couldn't help but glance over at him. His blue eyes stared deeply into hers and there was a faint trace of a smile. He let out a short, soft laugh. 

"Of course. That's why the passageway to Baelfire grew. Because it was my darkest secret." Hook said softly. 

"It just doesn't make sense!" she exclaimed. He tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. 

"What do you mean?" he asked, completely confused. 

"You have spent trying to get your revenge on Rumpelstiltskin because he killed Milah. And now your just over that? Because of me? It just doesn't make any sense. I'm not that special. I'm just...........Emma." she declared. 

"And that's exactly why I like you. You're not like any other women I've ever met. You're so different and you're so.........you. You're beautiful, funny, sassy, smart, fierce, brave, strong and powerful. You're just well.....you're bloody amazing. I started giving into my feelings when I came back for the bean but they had been created a long time ago. When you first bested me. I said that I could count the number of people who had done that on one hand. And none of them were women. You are just so incredible. So that's why I like you." Hook explained to her. Emma's mouth was agape and her heart was beating incredibly fast that is almost felt like it was going to explode. Her eyes were stinging with tears and she couldn't help but smile a little. What he just said was so sweet and it gave her a bit of hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe she could defeat Pan. But it was still going to be insanely hard. 

Emma didn't believe that she could do it. She didn't believe in herself. Her face crumpled and as she stared at the floor, she couldn't help but sigh. And Killian realised this. He had been studying her for quite some time now and he believed that he could figure out how she was feeling. He knew when Emma was sad. And right now, she was. 

"What's the matter, Love?" he asked. She didn't know why but she felt safe around Hook. Like she could tell him anything and he would immediately understand. Emma found herself opening up around him. 

"I'm just worried. I don't think we're going to be able to defeat Pan. And that means I'm never going to get Henry back." Emma replied, starting to tear up. Killian grabbed her hand, trying to comfort her but expecting her to pull away. But she didn't. 

"No. You can't think like that. You're going to succeed."

"How do you know that?" 

"Because I've yet to see you fail. Emma you are so powerful. When you were fighting Cora at Lake Nostos, I saw her try to rip your heart out and fail. You're special, Swan. You can do anything. You are going to get your son back and you are going to defeat Pan." he exclaimed. Emma didn't really know how she was feeling. She couldn't put it into words. She had never felt more loved and appreciated than she did right now. And she had a very strange feeling in her stomach. But then something that Hook said jumped out at her and she frowned. 

"But I knocked you out. How did you see Cora fail to rip my heart out? You were unconscious." Emma asked, trying to figure out what was going on. She was very confused. Hook swallowed nervously and he clenched his jaw. 

"Yeah, I didn't mean that. I didn't see it. Cora told me about it later." 

"No! You're lying to me. That's not what happened. Tell me what the hell happened? How on earth did you see that happen?"

"I wasn't actually unconscious. I just pretended to be." he told her. 

"What? But I knocked you out!" she exclaimed.

"You hit me in the face, yes, but you didn't knock me out." Killian explained. 

"Why did you pretend to be unconscious?" 

"To let you win. I knew you needed to get back to your son and your family and I had the bean, which meant there was another way for me to get back to Storybrooke. Then that way we could all win and succeed in our mission. Yes, I was angry that you left me at the top of the beanstalk but I had started to have some feelings for you and I didn't want you to be stuck in the Enchanted Forest, so I let you win the sword fight and I let you punch me in the face." Killian explained. Emma was so moved and was feeling way too many emotions- happy, confused, scared, hopeful and most of all loved. Closing her eyes, she moved in to kiss him. Their lips finally met, pressing against one another. But they were both very desperate to kiss each other. Killian placed his hand on the back of her head, threading his finger through her hair. Emma ran her hand up his leg, eventually resting it on his thigh. It grew slightly more passionate and Killian moaned slightly. His tongue darted across her lips, asking for permission for entry. 

And Emma gave permission. Their mouths moved together as their hearts were beating. Both felt so happy and were enjoying this intimacy. They were both yearning for more, especially Killian but Emma was still scared and he respected that. He knew that if they started a relationship, they would have to get at her pace. Whatever they become would be up to Emma and he didn't want to push her. He wanted to show that he was different to Neal. That he would stick around no matter what. They eventually separated, both grinning at each other. "I'm going to go get some more firewood. I will see you later." she said softly, starting to walk away. Killian frowned. Was she not even going to mention what just happened? Emma stopped and turned back around, grabbing the lapels of his jacket and softly kissing him on the lips. Killian was left speechless and she strutted off, smirking to herself. Maybe everything was going to be okay.  

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