she surprises you at your concert

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Your on tour with Haim.

3rd person pov;

Y/n Edwards is a world known singer. Her big sister is Perrie Edwards from little mix. She is currently on tour with Haim the band. Y/n is pretty good friends with Danielle, because her boyfriend/producer is also y/n's producer. 

"HELLO NEW YORK!!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, your Geordie accent coming through strong against all the American accents in the crowd. "Tonight is the last night Haim and I will be in New York, so I wanted to give a big thank you. Thank you for coming out on a Saturday night like seriously you could be doing anything you wanted tonight and your here choosing to spend it with us." You smiled at the large crowd starting to get nervous. "D, you got anything to say?" You looked behind you to look at Danielle, seeing a flash of pink back stage. "Besides thank you for coming out? Nope not really, Alana, you?" She looked towards the younger Haim sister. "Yeah, I wanna say thank you for all coming out and supporting us. And thank you for sitting three hours watching all the guest we had on tour tonight, Este got anything?" We all turned our heads to the lead bassist, "Thank you but I'm hungry so Imma go eat some wings. Let's go you three." Este joked but we could tell she was being serious.

After the interacted with fans in the audience

"Guys Imma grab my stuff from the dressing room, I'll meet y'all on the bus." You said walking down the hall towards your destination. "Hey y/n, you have a guest waiting in your room" your security guard Big Rob, told you while walking with the rest of the Security team. "Thanks BG, do you know who it is?" You questioned him. "She told me she needed to see you but, there is more of the ST waiting at the door, just in case." You smiled and nodded at Big Rob.
"Come on man I'm her girlfriend." You heard walking down the hall. "I'm sorry miss I'm not letting you in ther-" you hurried and interrupted him "hey Jay, what's the problem here?" Lizzie turned around to smile at you. "Miss, I was told no one is allowed in or out of this dressing room unless it's you or Danielle." He told you keeping a straight face and looked ahead. "Fine then move, I need to grab my shit." You said glaring at him and taking Lizzie's hand.

"Hey bubs," Lizzie said stopping, while grabbing your waist. "Yes?" You giggled at her antics. "I didn't like him where's big Rob?" You looked down at Lizzie putting your arms around her neck. "He was walking Haim back to the bus, and they are waiting for me well now us if you want, to go back to the hotel." You started walking backwards to the couch that was in the middle of the room so you could sit down. "You want me to come back to the hotel?" Lizzie asked you like it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world. "Yeah, if you don't have anywhere to be. And in the morning," you started, "I'm making waffles" Lizzie said in her best donkey voice. "No, we are flying to New Castle upon Thyme, to see my sister. Then we can make waffles." You began again.

A/n: do you want a  part two?

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