Cornelia Street

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After a long night of drinking, I was sitting in the backseat of the car. Lizzie was sitting next to the right window, Blake on the left side and me in the middle. Taylor was driving with Karlie in the passenger seat.

"I rented a place on Cornelia Street." I said casually looking forward. Lizzie and i started dating 8 months ago so our relationship was fairly new. We weren't really thinking about our future just filling in the blanks as we went along.

"I hope i never lose you, Elizabeth." I smiled taking her hand in mine.

"I hope this never ends y/n/n." She smiled back at me.

If this ends I'll never walk Cornelia Street again. That's the kind of heartbreak no time could ever mend. Breaking up with the one person you thought was gonna be your forever. I'd never be able to do it. I mean if you get mystified by being able to walk the streets and seeing your lovers face everywhere you go. Or hearing their name every corner you turn. If I'm honest I'm terrified thinking that Lizzie can walk away any moment she wanted to.

Taylor rolled the windows down, so we could all get some fresh air. It's august so we felt the cool breeze of the autumn air hit our faces. I looked over and saw Lizzie shivering slightly so i took my jacket off and put it around her shoulders. At the beginning of our relationship we were just messing around, if I'm honest i thought she was leading me on.

A couple weeks ago I packed my bags and left the apartment before she even knew i was gone. Then she called me, and somehow found out i was staying in upstate new york with Karlie and Taylor. After she called me that night i came back. Her and i sat on our roof talking for hours and drinking beer out of plastic cups.

"I'm serious Lizzie i hope i never lose you, id never walk Cornelia street again." I turned to her my hand still in hers.

"I know and so am I. I don't want you to walk away, i don't wanna lose you either."

"Alright love birds your here." Karlie said snapping me out of my gaze.

"Thanks for the night our girls. Love you guys get home safe!" Lizzie yelled as they were driving off.

With her hand never leaving mine she walked us back to our apartment. Just to think years ago, we were contemplating about even moving here. We walked inside taking our jackets and shoes off, now barefoot in the kitchen. These new beginnings that quickly became my religion.

That was three years ago. She left me, and since then, I've never walked Cornelia Street again. 😐

The end.

(Nah I'm kidding this totally ends happily)

"Well that was fun," I smiled walking to the blue couch. That sat in front of a blue wall that Taylor helped us paint. (Landlords don't let you do this ik shush)

"Yeah, we should do it again sometime." She sat down next to me laying her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, but come on let's go to bed my love." I kissed the top of her head before standing up, taking her hand and walking to our bedroom. After changing into our pajamas we payed down and drifted off to WonderLand.


This will be a part two. ❤️Thanks for being patient. I love you guys, go drink water, eat and touch grass some of you in my comments.😑

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