Vol.6 part, 1: Argus Unlimited.

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Smiling to Weiss as she uses her semblance to get herself and Weiss to safety, while (Y/n) slowly steps backwards to the gap which connects the train cars.

(Y/n): "I gotta say. It's great having everyone back together again."

Smiling to himself and dropping into the gap right before the tunnel approaches.

Mistral central station.
An hour earlier.

Yang: "And?"

Ruby shows Yang and everyone a gift bag she had just purchased, Weiss sighs while watching the sisters antics.

Weiss: "What an absolute waste of time-"

Yang: "What did you get me?"

Ruby:*Singsong* "You'll just have to wait and see!"

Yang: "No fair!"

Ruby stucks her tongue out at her sister, Yang attempts to grab the bag from her, Nora then jumps between them.

Nora: "Oh, I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! The beautiful coastline... You really think it's too early for beach season?"

Soon Nora and team RWBY, minus Blake all daydream about a shirtless Ren and (Y/n).

Ren: "Unfortunately, but we will be one step closer to Atlas."

Weiss:*Unamused* "Well, I'm glad you're all excited. But I don't think you appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas."

Ruby: "I know you're worried, Weiss, but trust us. Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second! I promise."

???: "No one's gotta be worried with us around."

A pair of Huntsmen confront Ruby and the others with proud looks on their faces and holding their weapons.

Nora: "Aaaand you are?"

Dee: "Why Dee and Dudley of course. The Argus Limit's very own Huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory."

Dudley: "But for a generous tip, we can make sure your car gets extra special attention should things get dangerous."

Winking at Ruby, as she, Weiss, Yang and Nora give unamused looks at the two with Weiss rolling her eyes and Nora crossing her arms. (Y/n) starts laughing and stands up from between Oscar and Weiss as the girls turn to him.

(Y/n):*Chuckling* "Yeah, I've got a tip for you. Why don't you piss off?"

Standing between Ruby and Yang, as the sisters make faces at Dee and Dudley, mocking the two.

Dee: "Hey! You're talking to a-"

(Y/n): "Professional Huntsmen, right, right. Look listen, I'm not sure if you're lovers, or brothers, or both."

Everyone snickers at (Y/n)'s last comment as the young man steps forward.

(Y/n): "But it feels like you should being doing your jobs, instead of trying to swindle a few extra bucks and harassing women who are obviously not interested. Oh, and it looks like one of you heroes forgot to close the door to the caboose."

Dee and Dudley turn around in surprise at the revelation.

(Y/n): "Be a real shame if you boys lost your jobs so soon after you got them."

Dudley: "I... I didn't do it!"

Dee:*Scoffs* "Come on, dummy."

Watching the pair turn and leave, Ozpin speaks in Oscar's head as they do.

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