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The flight journey was long and the nature decided to rain most of the trip. Park Jimin looked aside to see his husband sleeping cutely with his head laying on his shoulder. Through their half way to the destination, Seokjin fell asleep while crying by the thought of leaving his family.

Jin was in awe by the size of the flight and he literally threw up when the engine started. Jimin thought his hands were going numb by how tight his mate was holding him during the take off.

Jimin being the good mate, tried to comfort his husband with ice creams and food in the flight. He couldn't wait to explore the private island that had been rented only for them. He knew it was too much but for the beauty sleeping next to him deserved the whole world.

Jimin sighed by placing the magazines down the table and looked through the window to see the bright sky. Ever since their departure, Jimin could feel some strong scent from his mate. He was warned by his parents that Park Seokjin was nearing his first heat.

He wished that he had spoken to his mate regarding it. But with ceremony and other important things, Jimin couldn't get time to speak or discuss the matters.

Park Jimin stiffened in his seat when he heard the pilot speaking through the intercom.

"Mr. Park, we are about to reach the destination, please wear seat belts for your safety." Jimin quickly put seat belt around his mate's waist and mirrored the action for him. He softly patted Jin's head who lazily whined and rubbed his eyes with back of his palm.

"We are about to reach, Jin." Jin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and soon widened by seeing the view through the window behind Jimin. He was astonished by how beautiful the island looked from the above, and he couldn't believe they were going to spend here.

"Oh my god!! A-Alpha, look it's so pretty." Jin gasped in shock by looking at the beautiful place that was standing all alone in the center of the sea. Jimin looked back to see the ethereal beauty. He was happy that his mate was excited to be here.

 He was happy that his mate was excited to be here

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But Jimin's soft hands that massaged his belly and strangely Jin felt okay. Soon the pilot started all his steps for landing with Jin shouting like it was his last day.

The plane soon landed on the island and the pilot carried the bags of the couples.

"Thank you. We will be leaving in a week and please be here for our return." Jimin ordered the beta pilot who instantly bowed his head in respect.

"Sure sir. Enjoy your stay."

 With that Jimin saw the plane leaving and he was being left all alone in the private island with his mate. Though it was a deserted island it was luxurious. Jimin was thankful for this once by coming from a rich family.

Jimin casually took the suitcases and saw Jin holding his mate's hands cautiously. Jin looked around and he saw nothing expect trees and bushes everywhere. He was thankful that he was wearing a shorts and a shirt since his mate had advised him to do it.

The sun was warm, and the sea water was making him little sweaty. Jimin was happily walking on the beach sand and he could see a big resort in some distance.

"J-Jimin, why there isn't anyone here?" Jimin chuckled by the silly question. He looked at his mate who was wandering his everywhere around the place.

"This is only for us, Jin. You and me and no one else." Jimin smirked when he heard gasps from Jin. But he decided to let his mate to get shocked with everything. With few minutes of walking the Jinmin couple entered their private resort where they were going to spend for their honeymoon.

Jimin used the key for the mansion and looked inside to get astonished by the lovely house. He was getting excited along with Jin, since this was his first time with an omega and certainly who was his mate.

"This is lovely!!" Jin said happily and ran inside without bothered about anything. Jimin chuckled by seeing the eagerness of his mate but he decided to shrug it off.

Jimin dropped the suit cases and started to walk around the house. He could tell that someone had been here to clean it up and make it pretty. Jimin walked to their bedroom only to see his mate already laying down on his stomach with his shoes thrown somewhere.

 Jimin walked to their bedroom only to see his mate already laying down on his stomach with his shoes thrown somewhere

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He decided to look at other rooms and Jimin was already love with this place. The kitchen was already filled with all the food items in the refrigerator and fruits in the basket.  He walked into the bathroom to look at the pretty bath tub.

  He walked into the bathroom to look at the pretty bath tub

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Jimin made sure to thank his father when he returns to his place. He was in love with this island and he couldn't wait to explore more with his mate by his side. Jimin was feeling itchy, and he felt like he needed to bath. But his eyes caught something and he walked there with a big smile.

 But his eyes caught something and he walked there with a big smile

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Jimin immediately threw his tshirt and shorts away and jumped inside the pool with his boxers. A soft groan escaped his lips when his body came in touch with the water. He felt relaxed and refreshed.

Soon Jimin found himself swimming for almost an hour and felt his stress leaving his body.


A/N: Warning angels. Next few chapters will be containing mature scenes. If you aren't comfortable you can skip it. If not, let us all sink in the pool of sins😁💜😂

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