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A/N: Thank you so much for supporting Jinmin couple angels. I am happy that this book has readers to shower their love for this couple💜💜

Kim Yoongi and Kim Seokjin were busy in crying while hugging each other tightly. They have been continuing this for the past two hours. The tears were falling non-stop without any idea of stopping.

"H-Hyung, please don't go." Yoongi as saying inbetween his sobs. Jin on the other side was crying his heart out while soothing his dear brother.

Jin and Yoongi knew that they would get mated. Their parents had told them about their future and how it would be. But when the reality strikes in, no one wanted to leave each other.

Omegas were trained to be a good mate and a good motherly figure. But they never expected to leave their family and live with his mate's family.

When Jin and Yoongi were informed about Jin's wedding, the Kim brothers were jumping in joy. They had dreamed of their wedding since forever. But their parents heart broke when they told their children about omega's reality.

"I-I will speak with your mate, hyung. P-Please be with me." Yoongi wiped his tears off and cupped his brother's cheeks who had runny nose. Kim Seokjin had never seen his mate neither did they meet before. He was all new to this mating ceremony and had no idea how mating works.

His parents Kim Jackson and Kim Namjoon made their children to stay innocent and they didn't want to talk about mating process. It was their mate's duty to teach them and explore it together. They didn't want to ruin their children's innocence.

"Yoongi, the wedding doesn't work like that. And you are not allowed to stay with Jin unless his mate agrees." Jackson was calmly speaking the facts. It had been years since he had seen his family, but he was happy that he didn't see them. They never cared for him, and they just thought him as a burden.

But he found his mate Namjoon through his best friend Hoseok. He helped Namson couple to get together. Namjoon had never mistreated his mate neither had hurt him.

"Baby, it's almost time." Jackson looked at his husband who was standing outside the bedroom door. The Kims family had been waiting for the Parks to arrive their house.

In their tradition, mating ceremony will be held in the Alpha's place. The omegas will be under their mate's shelter till they gets mated.

Jin was supposed to spend his few days in his mate's house before wedding. So that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable in the house where he was going to spend his life with. Jin and Yoongi stood up while wiping their tears.

A strong scent reached their nostrils by signaling the Parks arrival. Jackson made sure that his son had all the necessary items. Though the mate was supposed to buy him the things, as parents he wanted to give his son as much as he could.

The three omegas were in the bedroom while Namjoon was busy in inviting his friend's family.

Park Hoseok, Park Taehyung, and Park Jimin arrived to this Kims house. They could see that the house was nothing compared to their mansion. They lived in a simple house with two bedrooms.

"Welcome Park. I have been waiting for your arrival." Namjoon shook his hands with Park Hoseok and asked his in-laws to sit comfortably on the sofa.

"Hi, Joon. It's been long time. Happy to be back here." Hoseok gave his beautiful heart smile. All this while the omegas in the bedroom were listening to the conversation.

"Jackson, bring our sons." Namjoon mind linked his mate who instantly got alert by the order. His eyes locked with his sons who were having puppy eyes.

"Trust me, babies. Their family is well and good. You don't have worry about your future. Parks will take care of you." Jackson said before kissing them on their foreheads.

The bedroom door opened by gaining the Parks attention. Park Jimin was all while silent trying to scent his mate. He could sense a mixed of peachy fruit and strawberry. He wasn't sure which belonged to his mate.

A smirk formed on his lips while seeing his future mate walking towards him with his head bowed down. Though he frowned by seeing his mate not showing his face, he kind of liked the walking beauty in front of him. His eyes never averted to his mate's brother since he was busy in admiring his mate.

In close, Kim Seokjin looked ethereal. He was nervously fidgeting his fingers with his pink sweater and his black hair was perfectly falling under his eyes with those cute bangs.

Jimin could see his mate's face being swelled up. He could tell that he had been crying. Something inside him growled by not knowing the reason for his mate's precious tears.

"They are beautiful." Park Taehyung broke the silence and gained soft chuckles from the omega's parents. Jimin smiled by seeing Jin looking everywhere but him. He could tell that Jin was shy and innocent.

"It was nice being here, Namjoon. We will bring Seokjin with us. You can visit our house on the day of the ceremony." That was enough for Jin and Yoongi to rise their heads and look at the powerful family.

Jimin almost cooed by his mate's alpaca eyes that was widened immediately.

"P-Park Alpha, p-please can Y-Yoongi be with me?" Jin almost whispered by gaining Park's family attention. Jimin frowned by thinking about another omega inside their house other than his house.

But before he could speak, Park Hoseok answered the question.

"You know the rules. But since my son-in-law asked me, I would agree. You can bring your brother with us, Jin. And please don't call me Park or Alpha. Call me Appa. We are not bad or evil. We are good guys. I mean look at my mate he is literally a puppy."

Taehyung pouted making Yoongi and Jin giggle cutely. Jimin couldn't blink his eyes when he heard the angelic giggles from his mate. He was sure it would cure diseases. He also wanted to gain his mate's trust. He didn't want to be dominant on the first day.

Jin couldn't believe that this was the Parks that he had studied in his lessons. He knew how heartless they were. But that was in the past. He was happy to live with this family.

All this time, Jin never had courage to look at his mate's face. With lots of nudging given by Yoongi, he slowly peaked his head up and was awestruck by the man in front of him.

Jin almost whined by the strong glare that his mate was giving. Within a second Jin averted his glance since he couldn't stand those powerful eyes. It did something to his body. But to be honest, his mate was more than handsome. He never thought he would have such a handsome and a strong man as his mate.

Happily Yoongi packed his things with Jin and got inside the back seat with his brother. Park Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting in the front and Jimin almost growled when he saw Yoongi sitting in between them.

He side eyed his mate who was blushing red. Jimin rolled his eyes when he saw Yoongi jumping on his seat happily and being touchy with his mate. He didn't know how he was going to get used to living with his mate's brother.

But for his mate, he was ready to do it. After all Kim Seokjin was Park Jimin's from the first.

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