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"Do you need any help, Jin?" Taehyung asked his son-in-law who was having a big pout on his face. After signing their wedding documents, and after the small party the guests left already. Right now Jin was in his bedroom with Omega Taehyung, his parents and brother.  He was looking at the large suitcase and was wandering what to stuff inside.

"I-I don't have much dresses. I don't think I would need this bag, father." Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle by Jin's cuteness. He could tell that Jin was not a big person who loved shopping.

Namjoon on the other hand was scratching his neck awkwardly by seeing his son having less attires.

"J-Jackson and I didn't have much to afford a cup board of dresses, Tae." Namjoon said making Taehyung to give a boxy smile.

"That's okay. From now, Jin belongs to our family too. And I am sure that Jimin would unload dozens of clothes for his mate." This made Jin to blush by mentioning his mate's name.

Speaking of his mate, Park Jimin was having a small chit chat with his father Park Hoseok and his best friend Jungkook in the office room. After their small party, the said alphas assembled in the room to discuss some matters.

"I think Jin and Yoongi should be provided with cell phones." Park Hoseok broke the silence by gaining Jungkook's and Jimin's attention. They knew that the Kims weren't introduced much to technologies. But they didn't want them to be naive forever.

"I agree with you, father. I will buy cell phones for my mate and his brother. Maybe Jungkook can teach Yoongi how to use it and I will take care of it with Jin." Jimin spoke and reached for the cell phone box that were placed on the table.

"There's no need to teach them, son. Their parents already owned mobile phones. I am sure they would know how to use it. Just give this to them and put your numbers in for the safety."

Jungkook on the other hand was literally rubbing his temples wandering how to approach the omega. Park Hoseok seemed to notice the discomfort and asked the alpha.

"I am quite afraid of giving this to that omega. He is been all lovely around other alphas and showing faces at me. I don't think it's a good idea to let him to expose to these kind of gadgets." Jungkook said and looked at the phone box while turning back and forth.

Jimin sighed by his best friend's words. He was having doubts on his mate's brother ever since his mate had asked him to take care of the omega.

"Jungkook, I trust you with him. Only you can tame that omega. He is bratty sometimes, but just know that he could never disobey an alpha like us.  But also this phone is for their own safety. If he misuses it for his advantage, maybe you could put a tracking device inside.

Because I am going to put a tracker in here and Jin will understand once I say the reason. He has told me to keep eyes on his brother. I don't want to upset my mate. "

Park Jimin patted his friend's shoulder who was already poking his tongue inside his cheek. Jungkook knew that Yoongi wouldn't listen to him but he decided to take Jimin's advice. With some technicians, Jimin and Jungkook set the tracking device in the phones and walked out of the office room.

Jimin's wolf growled lightly when he felt the change in the scent that was lingering in ear. He could smell some ripen strawberries that was strongly coming from his mate's bedroom. He walked towards the opened door and soon his face brightened by seeing his mate cutely arranging his clothes.

He could see his father Taehyung, Jin's parents and Yoongi chit chatting and helping his mate. Jimin looked at his hands and switched on the mobile to make sure his mate had all the contact lists that was needed.

Though the Yoonjin brothers had seen their parents using gadgets, Namson couple  didn't have much money to buy for their children.

Jimin with a bright smile walked inside the room and everything went silent once with the alpha's presence. He looked at his mate who was not aware of his coming and was folding his towel.

"Park Seokjin." Jin flinched by the new name and gulped by the dark voice. He turned back to see his mate already standing near the bed with something in his hands.

"You Park Jimin, tone down your voice." Taehyung warned his son who rolled his eyes by his father's comment. He gave the phone to his mate who was having wide eyes by seeing the big new phone.

"F-For me, alpha?" Jin asked innocently making Jimin and others to chuckle softly. Jimin nodded and reached for Jin's hands while placing it on his palms. Jin carefully touched the phone by being afraid of breaking the beauty in his hands.

"Wow, isn't my son a lovely boy?" Taehyung teased Jimin who gave him a glare making the other to stuck his tongue out. Namjoon and Jackson were feeling happy by seeing their son having a lovely mate.

"I want one, too." The Namson couple giggled by seeing Yoongi asking for a phone. He knew that the alpha whom he had met at the party have given him the number. He wanted to save the number and talk with him.

"Jungkook will give you." Jimin turned back to see Jungkook already walking inside the bedroom towards Yoongi.

"I-I don't like that alpha. He is showing off." Yoongi pouted making Jungkook's wolf to growl lightly. His wolf was getting angry by seeing an omega rejecting him.

"Yoongi!" Jackson warned his son who pouted even more. Though Jungkook felt hurt by his pride, he still managed to smile and gave the phone to the omega who immediately snatched it from the alpha's hands.

Yoongi was jumping in joy by seeing the new phone in his hands. Jungkook made sure to add his number and he had saved Yoongi's number in his phone too.

"Thank you, Alpha." Jin thanked his mate who gave him the killer eye smile making Jin's heart skip a beat. Jin bit his lips and shyly switched on the mobile only to get surprised by seeing the wallpaper.

It had a candid photo of Jimin and Jin being together in the party where they were walking with an intertwined hands.

"Didn't I teach you to be thankful to the people who give you, Yoongi?" Namjoon glared at his son who was literally jumping on the bed by seeing the phone in his hands. He stopped on his steps and looked at his parents who were warning him with those eyes.

"T-Thank you." Yoongi whispered making his parents frown by their son's behavior.

"With respect, Yoongi." The omega rolled his eyes by his father's words.

"Thank you, Alpha." Yoongi mumbled and looked at Jungkook who was already smirking at him.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now