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"What took you so long?" Jeon Jungkook asked his best friend who looked like he was about to kill everybody. Jimin was getting annoyed for disturbing his precious time with his future mate. Jungkook was holding the wedding documents and walked along with Jimin to the center of the hall.

Park Hoseok and Park Taehyung were already talking with Kims couple and they smiled by seeing their son walking like a king. On the other side Jin was walking beside Jimin, who was holding his hands firmly.

Namjoon and Jackson smiled sweetly at their son and his mate.

"He looks like a prince, Joonie." Jackson exclaimed in happiness by seeing Jin looking ethereal. The Kims family never had money to buy such expensive clothing for their children. And seeing Jin waking there like owning the place made his parent's heart squeal in joy.

Kim Yoongi was happy for his brother and finally he felt like he had met someone who could be his mate. That was the Chanyeol alpha who was already looking at him instead of the grooms.

Once Jimin, Seokjin and Jungkook stood at the center of attention, Park Hoseok clinked his glass and gained the guests attention.

"I thank everyone for making it here, and I am happy to have you all here to bless our family. My son Park Jimin will be tying knot with my best friend's son Kim Seokjin.

Jackson and I have made a promise to each other to make our children get married to each other when we were in college.  And I am thankful that now the day has finally come. Now with you here, my son and my son-in-law will be signing the marriage documents legally."

Hoseok said and asked Jungkook to bring the documents. Jungkook placed the papers on the table and letting Jimin to sign first. With a happy face Park Jimin put his signature followed by Kim Seokjin who would no longer be a Kim but a Park.

The wedding guests clapped their hands and raised their glasses as a gesture of cheers. Kim Namjoon and Kim Jackson were almost in the verge of crying. They knew that their son was going to live in a good place with good people. They were happy that they had kept their children safely for all these years.

Soon the party started and they were dancing to the rhythm of the music. Park Jimin and Park Seokjin were enjoying by seeing the others dancing. Jimin knew that his mate was a shy one and he didn't want his omega to feel embarrassed.

Jin was busy with giggling and laughing by seeing his parents dancing.  Park Hoseok nudged his son who was literally eating his mate through his look. Jimin blinked and looked at his father who gave him a small bag.

"This bag has everything that you need in that island. And have your honeymoon freely." Jimin sighed by knowing what his father was talking about. Though he told his father not to do it, Hoseok had booked an island for Jimin and Seokjin's honeymoon.

A separate island with no intruders with a private jet to pick and drop them off. But he was happy that he could show beautiful sights to his mate who had never been outside. He would be the first person to bring Seokjin to such places.

With a small nod, Jimin took the bag happily. He looked around the crowd and spotted Jeon Jungkook dancing with an omega. Merely dancing, it was more of like the omega dry humping on him. He could see that Jungkook didn't like a bit but the omega was throwing herself on him.

Jimin rolled his eyes and called Jungkook who pushed the omega off him and jogged towards him. He was thankful that his best friend had saved him from that needy omega.

"I will be leaving tonight. Make sure to keep your eyes on my mate's brother." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion by hearing his best friend.


"Jin had told me that his brother was talking with alphas. I don't think it's a good idea to let him go like that. He is still innocent and fierce. So just keep a watch on him and get him away from alphas." Jimin whispered in Jungkook's ears who was listening to his best friend carefully.

He gave thumbs up to his best friend before walking inside the crowd to spot that certain omega only to get his blood boil. He could see some alpha trying to dance with Yoongi.

"Excuse me, but I don't think you have rights to touch him." Kim Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and looked back to see a bunny guy having a monotone face. Immediately the hands that were about to wrap around Yoongi's waist withdrew.

Yoongi had seen this guy with his brother's mate. And he was starting to get annoyed with this alpha.

"I apologize. Maybe I will meet you soon, pretty." Yoongi blushed by the small wink from Chanyeol and shyly waved his hands for a goodbye before turning back at Jungkook.

"What's wrong with you? Do you even know me?" To be honest, Jungkook was taken aback. He had talked with Jin and he was sure that the omega was innocent. But the omega standing in front of him was nothing compared to his brother.

"I don't know you but I do know that I am in charge of taking care of you." Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance by alpha's reply.

"I am not a kid. And besides he is my future mate." Jungkook poked his tongue inside his cheek by seeing the omega not obeying him.

"I don't fucking care if he is your future mate or not, omega. Now you are my responsibility and I don't fucking need you to go around any alphas. If you are confident, dare me." Yoongi's omega mewled submissively by seeing Jungkook using his Alpha tone.

Jungkook knew he was not supposed to show his dominance, but if Yoongi was going to be a baby, then he decided to show his power.

"Now why don't you be a good boy and come with me, omega." Yoongi gulped and his omega immediately bowed his head as an apology. Jungkook's alpha felt happy by seeing the omega being obedient. He turned back and to his surprise Yoongi was following him like a lost puppy.

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