Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

April 8, 2021
10:45 PM
Scott's Residence


Carrying Theo in my arms, I followed Adam and Scott upstairs where Theo's room is located. I must admit, their house is spacious with just the three of them.

The first floor has a wide living room and another door which connects to their kitchen. From the entrance of the house is a glass door on the left side, leading to their infinity pool.

The design and interior of the entire abode speak cozy and homey. The interior heavily leaned on rustic designs, coupled with antique furniture and Spanish-inspired wall carvings.

We stopped at a wooden door and Adam opened the knob with his key. "Both of us need access to Theo's room, in case of emergency." He explained and glanced at me. I did not need the information, but I guess my face betrayed me because my expression was tensed and confused.

Scott has now calmed down, but his eyes are red and puffy, as he kept on glancing at Theo from time to time like Theo will disappear any minute. Adam and Scott stepped inside the room, and I was surprised. This is the exact opposite of the elegance I had witnessed a few seconds ago.

My brows furrowed and with gritted teeth, I turned to Adam. "What the fuck is this?" Scott flinched from my hard tone and grabbed Adam's shirt.

Theo's room is bare. There's only a bed, a dresser, and one window. There was an aircon installed on the top left of the pastel blue wall. I don't even know if I can call this a room. Fuck, the room of our house staff is better than this.

"Before you lost it, let us explain. The main reason why Theo's room is designed this way is to make sure that he will be able to live another day." He began, and gestured me to put Theo on the bed so I did, carefully. "We don't want a repeat of what happened three weeks ago, where he tried to slash his wrists using a broken vase. We also installed a camera in his room so we can monitor his movements. His suicide attempts are more frequent than you think." Adam sat on the floor tiredly and stared at the unconscious Theo.

"Um, I'll just get his clothes and some warm water to clean him with." Scott stepped outside so I focused my attention on Theo. He looks so pale and delicate. I can finally see clearly all of the bruises inflicted on him by that fucker, and the anger started to build up again. I clenched my fist so hard the nails dug in my palm.

I closed my eyes to control my anger and filled my lungs with air. I lightly brushed his cheek with my index finger. This will turn purplish tomorrow, especially because he has a fair complexion. 

When my eyes landed on his slender neck, I bit my lip to cage the string of flowery curses from slipping, as my throat clamped from some unknown emotions. My eyes went downwards and noticed the redness on his wrists. That's right. He was tied up. That bastard fucking tied Theo up. How dare he mar and taint Theo's skin? How dare he touch even a strand of his hair?!

I pressed the heel of my palm on my eyelids and hissed. "Fuck! I should've killed that asshole." Seeing Theo in that position arose unnamed and intense emotions within me. It's a dark, twisted emotion that I never thought I would be able to feel.

I pressed the sides of my head when it started to hurt. This would get so much worse if I started to hear the sounds—that's right. The sounds. They get muted when Theo's nearby. That was the reason I had a hard time finding him. I should have realized it sooner, but I didn't. I was so preoccupied with Theo that I forgot to remember that basic fact.

I reached out for his hands and squeezed them, only to be startled when I felt that electrifying sensation. It was not an unwelcomed feeling, rather, it was alright with me. His hands are soft and warm, and I love the feeling of his hands on mine.

"What really happened, Alexis?" I almost forgot that Adam was in the room. All of my attention was pulled by the gorgeous man beside me. I would have rushed him to the hospital, if not for Scott who rejected the idea.

"No!" He raised his voice, and when he noticed my perplexed expression, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. "We don't need to, Alexis. I am Theo's personal doctor. I will be the one to take care of him."

I did not argue and so we were back in this situation. I tucked the loose strands of Theo's hair behind his ear before turning to Adam with my jaws tight. I told him everything in the most detailed way possible—Adam's expression was turning cold and ruthless especially when I mentioned how that fucker was panting heavily like the perverted bastard that he was, trying to remove his belt and unzip his pants in a hurry, while Theo was under him, his hands were tied up and his mouth was covered with a thick towel to prevent him from screaming for help.

Theo's shirt was ripped to shreds, and was seconds away from being sexually assaulted, had I not been on time. I wasted no second and did what I had to do.

Seeing Theo's horror-stricken expression and his tear-stained eyes was what did it. It unleashed the beast inside of me. It commanded me to eliminate all the threats that were making our boy hurt and cry. My mind was beginning to get filled with so many dark thoughts when Adam spoke.

"Thank you for saving him, Alexis. You may be an arrogant son-of-a-bitch, but you saved Theo." Adam's lips twitched into a subtle smile, and I was not able to retort when Scott returned, a basin on his hands and Theo's clothes.

I did not want to leave Theo but Scott was there. "Take good care of him." I reminded Scott and he nodded.

"You don't have to tell me."

With one final glance, I went downstairs with Adam we both headed straight to the mini-bar. I was impressed. There were vintage and expensive bottles of wine, even collector brandies and whiskeys you can only buy at an auction.

He went behind the bar and I sat at the stool. We just drank in silence for about half an hour. We have nothing to talk about anyway. I was on my third shot of whiskey when we heard a commotion upstairs.

We both look at each other and I abruptly stood up, not minding the echoing sound of the chair that crashed on the floor. My heart started to pound nervously. It's happening again, fuck! I strode towards the living area and heard Scott shouting.

"Theo! Where are you going? Stop running around!" Scott's voice boomed around the entire second floor. My eyes frantically searched for Theo, until I found him in the middle of the stairs, with only an oversized white shirt and a black boxer on. I gulped hard and was frozen in place.

He was looking around in panic. His hair was disheveled, and his face was full of worry, as he scanned around the area. He was only wearing simple clothes, but why does he look ethereal to me? How the hell can he affect me this much? When his gray eyes locked with mine, I held my breath.

Fuck, even my lungs stopped working. How can he look at me like that? What the fuck is happening?

His eyes widen and his lips trembled. I frowned when I noticed his expression. Is he crying? Are his bruises hurting? Theo opened his mouth and was about to say something, they realized that he can't speak.

I was about to tell him off when he started to run, but I swallowed all my words when he jumped into me and embraced me with all his might. The moment our skin brushed against each other, I hitched a breath and my heart started to beat erratically when I felt that familiar electrifying sensation again.

Fuck it, Alexis Romanov. You're doomed. 


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