Love you whenever we're together,

Love you when we're apart."

Couldn't handle the situation anymore, I bawled my eyes out to which George rubs circles around my back in comfort.

"And when at last I find you,

Your song will fill the air,

Sing it loud so I can hear you,

Make it easy to be near you,

For the things you do endear you to me,

All you know I will, I will..."

As soon as he was finished, I said, "You wrote that song in 1968 for the Beatles' self-titled album. Such a lovely song."

Paul smiles as he stood up and walked towards my bed. He sits on it then held my hand gently, "You don't have to tell us the whole story, love."

"W-What do you mean? Why are you being like this?" I bombarded. My mind is as blank as a clean sheet of paper, going back to what I wanted which was to jump off the bridge and kill myself.

"Because we're your heroes." John says, "As a musician, it's flattering that you'd call us such kind. But I realized, musicians don't just perform with their instruments in front of a crowd. We bring joy to people in a way that they don't have to understand the music, they just have to feel the emotion; the truth we're trying to take hold and believe in."

I lowered my gaze, John said that in an interview in 1965.

"Look, we may be total strangers to you, but there's something in our connection that we just needed to conquest for." George says to which Ringo adds, "We care for you, Jude. Really, we do. We wouldn't wander around Eroda, searching for you if you're not that important to us."

Flashbacks from the bridge came back in my head in a befogged manner. All I could remember was tiny events. Me, jumping. John and Paul swimming towards me. George and Ringo on a boat.

They seriously did that for the sake of me?

"I'm sorry," I started to sob. "No, don't be." George coos. My chest suddenly felt so heavy with everything that I'm trying to carry. Why am I always like this, geez.

"Don't blame yourself, hon. There's nothing to apologize for." Ringo reaches out and that's where John followed, "Look, I know you're depressed. But don't ever feel guilty for the people around you.

"When I told you to think about about the people who love you, I didn't mean to catch your guilt for them. I mean that you should remember that they love you. They are willing to listen to you. No matter how childish or crappy it can be, they'll listen because they love you. We do."

Analyzing John's facial expression, I can't help but conclude that his mindet became the peaceful one when he met Yoko. It's like Old John Lennon's mind in the body of the Young John Lennon.

He's talking about love and not winning a game.

I realized Paul's hand was still holding mine as he squeezed it gently, "You've listened to us for all of your life. This time, let us listen to you."

Four pairs of eyes and ears are waiting for my response. Upon hearing their words, I let their concern and thoughtfulness get through me.

Taking a deep breath, I thought of where to start. "My mother was a huge Beatles fan. Ever since I was young, she would play Beatles songs everywhere. From the time she wakes up, while she cooks breakfast, while she do our laundry, even until bedtime.

With The BeatlesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant