31. Give Me Novacaine

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Give Me Novacaine- Greenday


"Meredith! I swear to God!"


"No! Stop! Please! Let me go home! I want Addison."


"She's not your sister! She's not your family. I'm you're only family! Even I don't want you!"

Thatcher pulls his belt from the loops, looming threateningly over a cowering Meredith, who is already bloodied from days old beatings.

"Let me go then!"


"Ow! Ouch! Please!! Help!" Meredith wails.

"If only you'd do as I say, Meredith. I wouldn't have to hit you honey! Be a good girl for once in your pathetic life!" The man roars, that god awful vain bulging in his neck.

"I'm sorry. I'll be good! I'll do anything! Please!"

Hit after hit after hit then he stops?

He's calm. Serene even. Scarily so.

"Go to my bedroom, Meredith. Close the curtains."

He's prowling. Like an animal. But this can't be instinctual. No human has the instinct to harm another. This isn't primal. It can't be.

Arizona Robbins

"It's been 4 days! 4 days without hearing a single word from her!" Addison bites.

Occupying my sitting room is a furious Addison Montgomery, in full blown rant. It's been 4 days since Meredith Grey disappeared off the face of the earth. That's not entirely true, actually. We know she's gone to live with her father- she told us that herself when she moved out last week. But we have no idea where Thatcher lives, or why the hell Meredith's ignored her cell for 4 days straight.
While Addison is overrun with worry, it's manifesting as anger, bubbling on the surface.

"I mean... after all we've done for that girl! After all I've done!! And this is how she repays me!!"

"Addie slow down!" I try and get through to the red head. "She's with her father. She's never had a proper parent before, maybe this is what she's always longed for!"

"No!" She's adamant. "You've not met Thatcher- he's not father material I'm telling you. She's become skittish."

"You don't think....." I hedge, fearing the worst.

"I don't fucking know Arizona! That's the point. If she'd pick up the damn phone I'd know if she was okay! I mean.... what if she's relapsed? What if she hasn't eaten for four days???? Do you.... do you think she ran away from us... because we forced her to get help?"

The other attending is in floods of tears now.

"Oh Addison! I'm sure she hasn't run away. She loves you with her whole heart. She sees you as her mother. She won't have run."

"Thatchers taken her then! Meredith wouldn't just leave! Would she? Oh that girl is giving me gray hairs!"

"You love her." I remind.

"Of course I love her.... but I strongly dislike her right now!" Addison breathes out, finally collapsing herself on my couch.

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