15. Amy

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Amy- Greenday




There's screaming downstairs. Way too much screaming for six in the morning. It's antisocial actually... for Addison to come over to mine and Derek's place with her friends and wake me up. I roll over to see if Derek isn't amused either.


Shit... of course! He stayed with me all day yesterday, so must of had to go into work to make up for it. Ugh. So I'm all alone in my massive bed with two screaming people downstairs. Great.



Won't the yelling stop? I mean, who are these people? I've never heard Addie shout with such a girly high pitch squeal before. It makes me want to vomit a bit.

Finally. There's quiet. I close my eyes and lull myself into an almost sleep.... and then there's a knock at the door.


I know it's Addison when red locks fall round the door.

"Are you awake, sweetheart?"

"No." I grumble, keeping my eyes glued shut and rolling to face the opposite wall.

"You need to get up, Meredith."

"Mhmmmm go awayyyyy!"

Addison suddenly grows a pair when she rips the duvet off me ruthlessly, and my body coils in on itself in response.

"Meredith. Up."

Why? What's the rush that my body needs to be subjected to such cold temperature and exposure at six in the freaking morning!! I refuse to acknowledge she's said anything, trying to curl my bare legs into my tank top for warmth.

"You have an appointment in 2 hours and you need breakfast first. "

"I'm not going. Let me sleep."

Addison turns away and leaves, giving me another 5 minutes of shut eye. I feel like I'm in the clear until I hear an unrecognisable stomp up the stairs. Addison doesn't have the vigour to make my stairs shake like that.

"Dr Grey!"

I cautiously open my eyes and see a woman stood next to Addie, a couple inches shorter, although still taller than me. Her hair is deep deep brown, and long and full of volume, contrasting her emerald green eyes, which are piercing into me kind of disapprovingly. I scramble to grab the comforter and cover my half naked sleep deprived body and attempt to look somewhat presentable for the stranger that's found herself in my bedroom.

I can't seem to get words out of my mouth, and I'm sure I look like a goldfish gupping, so I wait for the two poised women to make a move first.

"I think Addison has already told you. You need to get up."
The brunette speaks sternly. I feel like I'm back in school. I was a rebellious pupil though.

"I'm sorry... who are you? And why the hell are you in my room?"

I look expectantly to Addison.

"Meet your sister, Dr Amelia Frances Shepherd. You can call her Amy."

What. The. Hell.

As if I could feel anymore dissociated from real life than I do at current... a beautiful stranger claiming to be my sister is now in my bedroom.

"No she can't!" The brunette pipes up. "Only you and Derek call me Amy."

Great. My sister is a bitch.

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