chapter five

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standing by the edge of the balcony we were standing on, I hear a can open. I turn around and Lee Minhyuk was holding a coke can. He passes it to Jenny, and proceeds to open another one, passing it to Jumin.

Minhyuk grabs his phone, and starts taking pictures of all of us. This was our usual Friday night.

I turn back around, looking at what was below us. The people walking on the sidewalk, the cars passing on the busy street. I turn back around in time to see Seokkyung about to talk.

"You know what i noticed, our tutor looks really familiar." She says, the 6 of us give her a questioning look, but Jenny speaks up.

"You're right! She looks like someone from the auditions!" The rest of us are still confused, so Jenny decides to explain.

"Remember Jae? When Seokkyung walked out of the audition room, someone walked by her with a  hat and mask on." Jenny looks at me, hoping I remember.

"No, I don't remember, and if I did, it wouldn't matter..." I cut myself off. It would matter. Why would a college student be auditioning at a high school?

"Yea, now you're thinking. Why would she be at a high school if she's a college graduate?" Seokkyung smirks, and Jenny joins her.

"She could've been helping out. We're not even sure if she was there or not." I say. Seokkyung scoffs, and leans forward in her chair.

"I'm not so sure. She had a pass like us, our audition pass." Well can't help her now, can I?

"Mystery debunked. Our tutor isn't who she actually is. I have an idea to prove it." Seokkyung smiles, but the rest of us stay silent.

"Tomorrow, I'll meet her in the lobby and expose her. Is that ok with all of you?" The 5 nod, but I hold my hand up signaling her to stop.

"Why do you need to expose her in public? What bad thing has she done?" Seokkyung scoffs, and gets out of her chair walking to me.

"Are you that close with her that you're willing to protect her?" She stops right in front of my face, smiling.

"Seokkyung, stop." Seokhoon FINALLY spoke up. Seokkyung sighs, and turns around to her brother.

"Fine. I'm still exposing her." Seokkyung pushes him aside, and walks back inside. Jenny and Minhyuk follow her, but Eunbyeol and Jumin stay.

"Why aren't you going with them? I thought you liked them more than the three of us?" I asked Eunbyeol. She looks at the three of us, examining us.

She quickly stands up, and walks inside following the rest of them. Jumin sighs and looks at us.

"Wah, you guys really are cute together. I'm just upset you hid it for so long." Excuse me what? Jumin laughs at me, probably the expression on my face.

"Yah, I may be dumb at school, but i'm definitely able to catch onto things... I also looked through your phone yesterday." Jumin runs back inside before I could attack him.

Seokhoon stays silent, but wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"What? Why are you so close all of a sudden?" He pulls me towards him, making me face the balcony(road), placing himself behind me.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" He kisses the top of my head, and finally speaks up.

"At least I can come to your house now without sneaking around." I snicker and turn around, punching him in the chest.

"Is that the only thing you got out of that conversation?" He nods, and I laugh quietly, facing the balcony (road) again.

"I guess that is a good thing. It will force him into his room, I won't have to see him at all." I hear Seokhoon's breathy laugh, and laugh with him.

I watch the stars as they pass.

"Should we go inside now?" He asks me.

I nod my head, and turn around. He quickly kisses me on the nose, but I stop him.

"You've been giving half-assed kisses lately and it's pushing my buttons." He raises his eyebrow, but stays still.

"Yeah! Yesterday when we were walking in the halls and no one was around us. You usually kiss me-." He grabs the sides of my face and leans down, kissing me.

He breaks the kiss, but stays close, "Happy?" I smile, and nod.

"Of course I am." I peck his lips, and grab his hand.

"Let's go back inside!!" I drag him inside to join the rest of our friends.

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