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Demetri's POV -

After my conversation with Katalina, I headed towards the Big House. "Where have you been?" Alec asked me as I walked in. I sat on the couch, "Out" I answered simply. He nodded, "Out, I see..So you haven't been following Katalina like you have these past few days?" he teased. I glared lightly at him and shook my head in disbelief. Alec just laughed, "Well, since you weren't here, I have some information to deliver" he said while sitting up. I looked at him, "What information?" I frowned. "We'll be accompanying Annabeth and her friends on the search for Percy. Chiron believes that your tracking abilities have been of huge help and he hopes that you'll be able to get closer soon" Alec spoke. I scrunched my eyebrows, "But even Katalina couldn't get a proper lead on him when she performed the spell? How does he believe that I can get closer?". Wow...Katalina was correct when she said that whenever I scrunched my eyebrows, I always felt confused. Alec moved a little, "Katalina performed a locator spell?!" he asked. "Yeah, I even helped her. Wait how do you know it was a locator spell?" I asked curiously. I noticed that Alec looked a little upset when I mentioned that I helped her, "I know some of Katalina's tricks and I know some spells, but I obviously can't do them" he chuckled lightly. I nodded, but then I realized how much more Alec knows Katalina and I barely know anything about her. "Alec, you never told me how you exactly met Katalina, did you?" I asked slowly. He sighed, "Well I never got the chance too..". I fiddled with my hands, "Well you can now.." I said. He looked at me, "Do you really want to know?" he asked with a small nervous tone. I looked straight into his eyes, "Everything" I said confidently.

"I met Katalina one month before I turned 18. Her and her family had just moved to my village and they were basically treated like royalty. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life and I immediately grew interested in her. But, even though I was interested in her, I tried stopping myself because I was basically seen as a freak. Katalina, though, had the same amount of interest in me and one day she came and started talking to me. Ever since that day, she and I grew very close and I had already started developing feelings for her ever since we started talking. The day I knew I loved her was when she celebrated Jane's and I birthday. No one has ever shown us that amount of love and care that she did ever in our lives. I wanted to confess my feelings towards her, but then again, I didn't want to ruin her image. She was this admired beauty and I was just an outcast. I guess Katalina was able to read my thoughts somehow and she was the one who confessed to me first. We were a happy couple for a year and the people stayed away from Jane and I too. One day, Katalina had to leave for some days with her siblings to another village. Katalina promised me that she would come back as fast as she could, but I told her not to worry. I wanted to show her that I was strong and that she didn't have to constantly be worried about me. When she left that day, it was the last time I saw her...and my human self" he chuckled sorrowful. I smiled sadly at him and I felt my heart clench. "You know, I still remember that day when you told me if I could look after her and I kept refusing too" he laughed. I played with my hands as he kept talking, "So when I walked into your room that day, I didn't expect to see her there. Alive and really just there. The love of my life was there in front of me and I couldn't believe it. My first reaction was shock and happiness, but they were immediately replaced with realization. The love of my life, is my best friend's soulmate" his voice broke. I tensed up and I felt awkward then. Ever since I met Alec, he's always told me about this girl that he loved so much and how he misses her. And it turns out that that girl, was Katalina. "How did you come to know what she was?" I asked him to clear up the tension. He sighed, "She told me everything that day I took care of her. But to be honest, even when I was human, I suspected that her and her family were different" he said while looking at me. I nodded and I really wanted to ask him the question that kept repeating in my mind. After about a minute, Alec laughed, "Just say it Demetri, please. I know your holding back something..". I made eye contact with him and gulped before asking him, "Do you still love her?". Alec's smile dropped and he chuckled nervously, "I, uh, I do. I never stopped loving her" he replied. I had putten my hands on my elbows and when I heard him say that, my hands gripped my elbows hard. "Demetri, you don't have to worry about me. I know where my place is and I will respect that" Alec added. Even though Alec had told me that, I couldn't help but think that I would do anything to just keep her with me. I know I was being selfish, but I just loved her so much. "Thank you for telling me..about everything" I thanked him. Alec just nodded, "We should probably head out to go hunt. We'll be leaving in a few days and we shouldn't be hungry around them" he coughed. "Are they going to let us back in?" I frowned. "Chiron said that he would let us back in next morning" Alec replied. "Ok then, let's go" I said.

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