Outside the Castle

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Katalina's POV -

The next day I woke up in Demetri's arms and he was playing with my hair lightly. For a moment my mind went blank, but I remembered then the events that took place yesterday. I groaned mentally. Out of all the days, Demetri decides to stay today. I hope I don't make this awkward. "Good morning" he said warmly. "Good morning" I replied. Thank Aphrodite for giving me the gift of not having morning breath because I would totally be dying of embarrassment right now. "I'm going to go fix you something to eat. I'll be right back" he said while giving me a kiss on the forehead. I nodded. As soon as he left, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I washed my teeth and checked my appearance. "Not bad.." I muttered. I heard the door open and I headed outside. There stood Demetri and a huge amount of food. My eyes widened, "Wow that's a lot of food, umm..thank you" I said shyly. He put an arm around my waist, "Anything for you, my darling", he said while giving me a quick peck on my temple. The action brought back a memory then.


Camp Half-Blood

I woke up and I saw that Percy was still sleeping. I chuckled and I went to place a quick sweet kiss on his forehead. Once I did so, he smiled in his sleep and it was the cutest thing ever. I went to wash up then. As soon as I returned, a blue baby bird came up to me. I was surprised at first, but then I saw that it was trying to take me somewhere. I chuckled, "Now where are you trying to take me, cutie" I said while touching its head lightly with the tips of my fingers. It just chirped and it started flying outside the cabin. I followed it then. The blue bird took me to a meadow facing the lake and there standing was none other than my true love, Luke. I smiled and ran up to him, "Luke" I exclaimed. The sun shone brightly on our faces. "My love" he smiled. I looked to the side and I saw a blanket spread out with warm food. I looked at him, "Did you do this?" I asked. He nodded, "Of course". I hugged him, "Thank you". He chuckled into my hair, "Now who said this was for you? What if I just wanted to treat myself?" he teased. I blushed, "Sorry, I thought.." I started. He then squished my cheeks with his hands and he kissed me, "Aww my love, don't feel embarrassed. This is for you, I was just teasing you". I blushed even more. We then took a seat and the blue bird chirped in farewell. I laughed lightly, "How'd you get the cute birdie to get me here?". He hugged me, "A child of Demeter might have helped me." he said. I laughed, "Thank you, thank you so much for this Luke" I said lovingly. He looked at me then, "Anything for you, my darling" he said with just as much love.


"Would you like some?" Demetri asked, breaking me out of my trance. I nodded, "Please..". I got some food and I ate in comfortable silence. "Did you make this?" I asked Demetri curiously. He smiled, "Yes, in fact I did. How did you notice?" he replied. "Well, I suppose I have learned a lot about you and your ways" I teased. He raised his eyebrows, "Oh really now" he said while getting closer. I just laughed at him. "Well I want to take you somewhere today" he said while looking at the food. I swallowed a piece of food, "In the castle? I think you've taken me on a tour of the whole castle already" I said confused. He chuckled, "You're right, I haven't shown you the whole castle, but the place I want to take you is actually outside" he said. I made eye contact with him, "Outside? Like in the garden or the front lawn?" I replied. His shoulders slumped, "No, I mean outside the castle. Outside the barriers Katalina " he said. I put down my fork, "Outside?! Like were the people are, as in seeing other humans. As in-", "Yes Katalina" he laughed while hugging me. "Really!?" I shrieked in excitement. He just nodded his head. "AHHH OMG!!" I yelled and I hugged him. "So when do we leave?" I asked. He gave me a peck, "As soon as you finish eating and getting ready" he smiled.

Car -

We were currently in the back of the car and I was looking outside through the tinted black windows

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We were currently in the back of the car and I was looking outside through the tinted black windows. It was so beautiful. I've been to Italy before with my siblings, but I've never been to this part of Italy. We passed some markets and tourist spots and the car finally came to a stop. We stepped out and Demetri took me to many places. We went to craft stores, clothing stores, shoe stores, and we also went to a cute little cafe. We walked down the cobble stone streets with our hands held. It was so peaceful and the sun started setting. "Why don't we go inside this store?" he exclaimed. I looked at the direction he was looking at, I nodded. We headed inside the store and I was immediately hit with warmth and comfortable silence. We looked around and then something caught my eyes.

Bracelet -

The bracelet was just beautiful

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The bracelet was just beautiful. I smiled gently at the memories that came flooding into my mind. I remember when Rebekah, Kol, and I would make bracelets for the whole family. Wow, that was a really long time ago. Before any one of us became what we are today. "Do you like it?" Demetri asked appearing behind me. I turned towards him, "I, uh, its beautiful", I replied. He looked at it, "Do you want it? I can get it for you" Demetri said. I turned towards him, "No, its fine. You don't have to use your money on me" I said quickly. Ever since I was young, I've worked for everything that I've wanted. Of course, Klaus helped me out a lot too, but I always made sure to contribute a lot more to anything I did. He chuckled, "Its fine if you want it and besides, I want to give you everything you want" he said while grabbing my hands. "Its really fine and besides its way too expensive" I looked down. He looked at me, "You sure?". I nodded, "Yeah, let's go" I said while dragging him out. Before we could leave the door though, he whispered something to a guard that accompanied us. The guard quickly nodded and left. I frowned in confusion, but I decided not make a big deal out of it. As we drove back, I rested my head against Demetri's shoulder. The view was even more beautiful at night. I wonder what my family is doing right now.

I changed into my pajamas and I crawled into bed with Demetri. He engulfed me in his arms and kissed me. I smiled at him, "Thank you so much for today Demetri. It was absolutely magnificent". He smiled back, "Anything for you, my darling", there goes that line again. Luke came to mind, but Demetri asked me a question then. "So are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked me. I groaned, "Yes I am. What about you? I'm excited to see how you'll look like tomorrow" I said with curiosity. "I'm very excited to see how you'll look like tomorrow too, darling" he teased. I laughed, "Well you'll see me in less than 24 hours". "I'm sure you'll look just as beautiful as always" he kissed me. "And you'll be just as handsome as ever" I said in between the kiss.

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