Full Moon

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12 Years Later -

Katalina's POV -

I was helping my mom with preparing the food for tonight. Tonight was the full moon so we would be leaving for the cave soon. I touched my necklace for I was nervous. I don't know why I feel this way. I'm not usually scared. I've never feared anything. I guess I was just feeling the normal "jumpies" because tonight was the full moon. "Katalina, are you finished yet" my mother asked me. "Yes mother" I replied back. "Well then, let's hurry over to the cave. Rebekah let's go" she said. My sister then took my hand and we started walking together towards the cave. Once we arrived, we set everything in place. After we finished, my brother's and my father arrived. "Hey there kiddo" said Kol as he ruffled my hair. I smiled at him as I fixed my hair, "Hi" I said. Elijah and Finn then came and they hugged me. "How was your day sister" Henrik asked me. "The usual" I said with a shrug. "Where's Klaus" I asked them. They then looked at each other and I immediately worried. Rebekah put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. Soon my father entered and I saw his right hand had a small growing bruise. "Mikael" my mother said. "Have you got everything ready" he said while taking off his sword. "Yes father" I said. Soon I saw my brother enter. He was looking down and he was so dirty and he had a bruise on his right cheek. As I began running to him, my father called me. "Katalina! Bring me some water" he said. I stopped and I looked at my brother who was looking at me too. I headed over to grab a cup and I filled it up with water. "Here's your water father" I said with a forced smile. "Thank you my darling" he said touching my cheek.

"Everybody, get settled. It's starting" Finn said coming in. I took that as my chance and I grabbed some supplies. I snuck over to my brother and I hugged him. "Kai, you shouldn't. Father will get mad" Klaus told me. "What do I care" I said as I buried my face into his neck. "He will hurt me. And I don't want to risk you getting hurt too" he said. I then slowly let go of him. "I don't like father hurting you. I will protect you" I said. He chuckled. "What can a little pearl like you do" he said. "I can fight him. I am strong. I will become the best swords woman ever to live" I said proudly. He smiled at me, a genuine smile. "I know you will my little sister" he said caressing my hair. "Let me help you" I said as I took out my supplies to heal him. I controlled the water in the bowl at my side and I directed it towards his cheek. As the water touched his cheek, it made a flower shape. I concentrated hard and after a minute, it was healed. "Does it feel better" I asked him. "Much better" he nodded.

As we lay to go to sleep, I asked Henrik a question. "I wonder how a full moon looks like. How do you think it looks like Henrik?" I asked him. "Well like a white far away circle" he said. I frowned. "I'm being serious Henrik. You know in all my years of living I've never seen a full moon. That's one of the two things that I envy from the werewolves. I can only imagine it" I said. Henrik nodded and then he stayed quiet. "What's the second thing?" he asked me all of a sudden. "Their free. They can keep running and running and they must feel so free. I wonder if I will ever feel that" I responded. "Let's hope sister. And now let's go to sleep it's getting late" he said. "Let's hope. Goodnight brother" I said. "Goodnight Katalina" he said as he wrapped his arms around me. Little did I know, that I wouldn't hear his voice again.

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