I'm selfish like that

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Katalina's POV -

As I hurried to find Nico, Demetri's words kept replaying in my head. Love him too?? I can't possibly love him. He's wrong. The person I love is Nico. No one else. I went into the forest and I soon found Nico. "Neeks..." I said. I walked up to him, "I'm sorry, but you know I needed to..". Nico shook his head, "I'm not one to tell you what you can or can't do, but you could've at least waited until we got to New Orleans. Freya could have helped you through it..". I knew he was upset and worried, but I just couldn't help it. I needed to find Percy and I will do anything to find him. "Nico, I'm perfectly capable of performing powerful spells. These little spells are like raising a hand, you don't need to worry" I said. I took a seat right next to him and I grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry, I know I've upset you, but you have to understand" I said. Nico looked at me and raised our held hands to his lips, "You haven't upset me, I'm just worried. Just please don't overwork yourself Katalina" he said. I smiled at him and raised a hand to cup his cheek, "Don't worry, I love you". Nico's cheek's tinted pink slightly, "I love you too, so much". I smiled and kissed him.

Demetri's POV -

I clenched my fists at the sight and my heart hurt. She said she loves him and she kissed him. I could just feel and see how genuine their love is and it hurt to see that the person I love so much, is in love with someone else. But, I know she also loves me. I don't want to sound like a maniac, but I just know. "It hurts to see the one you love with someone else right" I heard a voice say right besides me. I turned and saw Annabeth besides me. She looked at me and I saw myself through her eyes. I walked away and she followed me. "You know how it feels.." I asked her. She sighed, "Yeah, but I eventually was able to get over him" she replied. I held a hand out to her to help her through the rocks, "Thank you" she said. "Is it fine if I ask you who it was?" I said. She chuckled, "Yeah, well it was actually Katalina's ex boyfriend, Luke Castellan", I noticed that when she said his name her voice was filled with sadness, but also pride. "Woah, ex boyfriend? I remember you telling me about him, but you never mentioned that you had those feelings towards him" I said. We took a seat on a bench nearby, "Yeah well, it wasn't really important to say" she said. I nodded, "Did you know him first or..?" I asked slowly. "Luke rescued me when I was 7 years old. We didn't meet Katalina until 2 years later. I mean at first it was just love and admiration that I had for him, but as I grew up I developed romantic feelings towards Luke. I already knew that Luke and Katalina liked each other, but I always had that small light in me that desired for him to like me back" Annabeth answered. She picked up a rock and looked at it. "Did he ever reciprocate those feelings?", I noticed that her shoulders slumped a little, but she picked herself up right away. "Well obviously not, but it's fine. When I met Percy, I just knew that finally something was going to be right in my life. Percy is my other half, he's everything I love in a person, he's my seaweed brain.." her voice broke at the end. I didn't like seeing her sad and just by seeing her like this I could tell that this Percy guy really means a lot to her. I raised a hand to her shoulder, "We'll find him, I just know we will" I comforted. She smiled at me and nodded.

It was soon the afternoon and Annabeth was currently teaching me how to further my skills in sword fighting. I already expected for it to be really hard, but Annabeth was a beast in the field. "Keep your eyes on the enemy Demetri!!" she yelled at me. I slashed and fought with all the strength I had in me, but it was pretty difficult considering who I was sparing with. I had speed and strength as an advantage, but demigods were also very powerful and strong. "C'mon Demetri, think!" she yelled at me again. I clenched the sword even tighter and I slung my arm. Annabeth intercepted it and then the next thing I know, is that I'm lying on the ground. Annabeth walked towards me and offered me a hand up, "Not too bad, but there is definitely some work to do" she said. "Well, it was already honestly expected that you would lose Dem. I mean you went up against one of the best sword fighters in the camp and not to mention Annabeth the daughter of the goddess of battle strategy and wisdom. But all in all, good job Demetri" Grover spoke up as he walked towards us. I looked at him, "Wow thank's Grover" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully at him. He put up his hands in surrender and just laughed. I smiled at him and then I heard Nico. "I see you guys are sparing, can we join?" Nico said as he and Katalina walked in. He eyed me and that really annoyed me. "Well we were actually just finishing up, but if Demetri wants.." Annabeth began. I kept eye contact with Nico, "Sure, why not. I do hear that your one of the best sword fighters ever to live" I said. Nico smirked, "Well then let's get to it". "Don't you need any armor?" I asked. He looked at me, "I don't need any" he said simply. I scoffed and got in position. "I don't think this is a good idea" I heard Grover mumble. "We'll see" Katalina replied to him. Once we were both in position, Annabeth began yelling out some rules, "You can not injure your opponent gravely by will, you are allowed to use any skill and technique,...", she went on some more and while she did that I looked at Katalina. She seemed nervous, but she stood straight with confidence. She looked at me and gave me a curt nod, "Good luck" she whispered. I was surprised at her words. I didn't think she would say that since my opponent is her boyfriend. "Understood!" Annabeth yelled breaking me out of my attention. Both Nico and I nodded, "Then you may start" she ended. We both ran and jabbed at each other. I could tell Nico was very skilled and confident with what he could do. Even though I had inhuman speed he was still able to match my pace. As I slung at him, he was able to swing his sword faster and it barely touched my arm. I gasped because of the feeling that went through me. It was cold and I felt helpless. As if there were no light or anything to be happy about, I felt like nothing? "Is that all you've got?" I heard him say. My eyebrows scrunched in annoyance, "Don't let him get to you" I heard Katalina mumble from all the way in the front. I looked at her, why was she saying things like that? I then smirked, "Your girlfriend doesn't seem to think that" I told Nico. I saw his expression change and his eyes became so dark that I even saw his confidence lower down by a bit. I heard Katalina's heart beat faster and she panicked for a moment even. I looked at him with the deepest glare I had, "Is that all you've got?". He glared hard and he charged at me. I got up in time and I managed to avoid that sword of his again. I was starting to swing again when a black fog started surrounding me. I tried getting through it, but as I made contact with it, it burned me. "ARRGH!" I yelled in pain, the fog was so cold that it's touch was like a burn. I jumped as high as I could and I then landed on the ground. I looked to see from where the fog was coming from and I saw that it was coming from Nico's hands. "How in the world?" I gasped lowly. I began to run in vampire speed and he was trying to look for me, but I was too fast. He turned in a circle with his hand outstretched and some rocks from the earth levitated. He made an open and close motion with his hand and the rocks immediately plummeted towards me. I was so shocked that I wasn't able to move, but it seems like something else was also controlling me. I ducked, but one of the rocks hit my head. I saw Nico walking towards me and his other hand was making movements and at the same time my body was moving. I then realized he was controlling my body?! Before he got to me though a tall wall of water separated us. "STOP!!" I heard Katalina yell, I turned towards her and I saw her hand out in front of her. Annabeth and Grover looked at her confused. Katalina marched angrily towards us. As soon as she got to us, the water wall fell and disappeared before it could reach the ground. "You were going too harsh Nico" Katalina said sternly to him. Nico widened his eyes a bit, "I was just giving him a taste. He needs to prepare for battle Katalina" he said just as sternly. "This isn't a battle though" Katalina went on as she stepped closer to him. "But-", "Not him Nico" Katalina ended interrupting Nico. Nico eyed her and then me. He scoffed and turned to leave and Katalina held his shoulder as they then vanished into the shadows.

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