Don't Trust Anyone

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Present Time

Katalina's POV -

"A-Alec" I stuttered.

"Katalina, my darling Katalina" he replied.

He was at my side right away. He hugged me so tight. "How, how is this possible" I said. My head was spinning. "I thought you were dead" we both said at the same time. He chuckled half-heartily, "Well it seems we're not". "Alec, I thought you were dead. Philip told me, he told me you and Jane were killed by those monsters" I said while looking up at him. He held my hand. "C'mon, let's take a seat. We have a lot of explaining to do" he said.

I sat with Alec patiently as I heard him speak. "After you left, the villagers came at Jane and I. We tried to fight them off, but we couldn't. We were tied up and we were set into flames. I could feel the heat touching my skin and I heard Jane's cries. I really thought we were going to die. But then, Aro came. He had been observing us since a long time ago and he couldn't miss the chance of keeping us. He saved Jane and I before we were burned fully. He changed us and we became part of the Volturi. I went back to find you, but I came back to a village full of bloodied body's. I didn't know where to go and find you. I thought that maybe a pack of wolves had came and that they had caught you too. I thought you were dead. After that day, I devoted myself to the Volturi, but I never stopped thinking about you Katalina. Most importantly of all, I never stopped loving you" he finished. I was feeling many emotions at once. The person whom I loved so much and who I thought was dead is actually alive and sitting right next to me. "Katalina?" he called. I looked up at him. "How do you feel?" he asked. "How do you think I feel? How do you feel? I just found out that you're actually alive" I said. He looked down and nodded. "Now are you going to tell me how you are still alive?" he asked quietly. I looked at him and nodded. I wasn't able to tell him the truth a long time ago, but now I will.

"I'm sorry" I finished. After telling Alec everything, I didn't know what to do then. I mean I always meant to tell him eventually, but I never got to until now. The silence was killing me. I wanted to know what was going on in his head right now. I even felt scared for a moment. What if he hates me now? "You were a vampire?" he finally said. I shook my head, "No, I was a trybrid. I mean I still am, but not fully yet until my 18th birthday" I replied. He nodded and he looked at me with his dark ruby eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?", his voice was laced with hurt. "I was going to, but then you were "killed" and I was never able to. I promise I was going to tell you. But, Klaus wouldn't let me yet" I said quickly. His expression immediately changed, "So you're still talking orders from your brother, huh", he said annoyed. "What?! What do you mean taking orders? I don't take orders from anyone, Alec. You know that", I said angrily. He stood up and walked away, "Katalina, you've always listened to Klaus. When have you ever taken any decisions for yourself??". "Actually various times Alec" I replied. "Really? Then why are you here in Italy?" he asked. I didn't say anything, but I couldn't let myself fall. "I came here. I needed a vacation" I said. He laughed, "A vacation, seriously? There you go again lying". I felt the heat rising in me, "Even if he did send me here, is there a problem? I was just helping him" I said. Wow, I really just exposed myself right now. "There you go. You admit it" he said standing right in front me. "Yes Alec. I came to Italy because Klaus asked me too. And you know what, maybe I shouldn't have ever came. Look at the mess I'm in now. I'm stuck here all by myself!! I could've been fighting off some monsters right now!" I said. My response was honestly bad. Why would I ever say that? I'm seriously so messed up right now. "You're not here by yourself Katalina. You have me and Demetri" he said. I scoffed, "Alec, in all honesty, I just found out today that you're alive. Don't get me wrong. I care a lot for you, but do you seriously think I'm going to stay here?!". He rolled his eyes, "This is not just because of the thought of staying here, is it? It's because you're embarrassed". Excuse me!!. "I'm sorry, what? There is nothing that I should be embarrassed about" I said. "You're embarrassed about how you were caught. No one has ever caught the oh so Katalina Mikaelson or any other Mikaelson. Face it Katalina, you only care about your reputation here" he said. "You're wrong Alec. You can't say that about me. You don't know me" I replied. "Seriously, of course I know you. You were the love of my life" he said. Ouch, that hurt, "were". "You knew another Katalina then. Because I am not that weak, pathetic, stupid girl that you think I am" I said. He looked hurt, "I never said any such thing". I sat on the bed then. "Look Alec, I don't want to argue anymore. I don't like that once we saw each other again, the first thing we did was just argue. Can we please just stop talking about this?" I sighed. He looked at me and he then proceed to take a seat right next to me. "Ok then, let's stop arguing. But, what are we going to tell Demetri" he asked. Uhh what? "What is there to tell him? He doesn't have to know anything. My life doesn't concern him. I'm leaving once I get my belongings back" I replied. And that's true. The only reason I'm still here is because I still need to get my dagger and necklace back. Even if Alec is here, I have a life somewhere else. I have a family to get back to. "So I guess I can't change your mind right? You still wouldn't stay even if I asked you", he got up and looked out the window. I watched the birds outside, "No Alec. But you are always welcome to come with me". He cracked a small smile, but we both knew that wouldn't happen.

"What are we going to do?" he asked.

"I know what I'm going to do. What you are going to do, is all up to you" I finished.

The moment he asked that, I knew I couldn't trust him.

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