The Day Before D-Day

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Katalina's POV -

"Rise and shine Katalina! It's BALL DAY!!" she said excitedly. She opened the curtains and shook me awake. I groaned, "Jane, its too early". She rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh c'mon, it's 10 in the morning. You should be up by now". I jolted up, "What?! It's 10?! OMG, how did I wake up so late" I said while hurrying off to the bathroom. "Well, we have a lot to do today. So eat breakfast fast and you'll be off with me today" she laughed. I finished washing my teeth and I headed to the plate that was brought in for me. "Where's Demetri?" I asked her. "He's helping Alec and other guards preparing everything for tonight" she shrugged. I nodded, my heart was feeling a little heavy today. Tomorrow would be the day I leave and I don't know how I'm going to handle hurting their feelings. I cleaned myself up then, "You finished?" Jane asked. "Yup" I replied. She beamed a smile, "Great! Let's go!". She grabbed my wrists then, "Umm, where exactly are we going?" I asked. "We're just going to finalize some things for our outfits today and then we'll go help with the presentation of the ball" she replied quickly. "Presentation?" I questioned. She nodded her head, "Yup, Master Aro likes having the guards opinion on how everything looks". I nodded, "That's nice". She smiled, "It sure is. Now let's go, we're going to be late" she exclaimed.

Jane and I finished choosing the complete outfits and now we were heading off to pick something up for tonight's ball. "How did you convince Demetri to let me come with you?" I asked her. I mean Demetri never let's me out of his sight whenever he's here and he surely never let's me go anywhere by myself. She chuckled, "Oh, it didn't take too much convincing actually. I told him yesterday and he just said, I quote, Make sure she eats her lunch and you both stay safe, Love you. I was shocked you know since usually the other only person he let's you out with is Alec, but this time he full on let me. And, he even expressed that he cared about me. Well about both of us, but he's a person that rarely shows affection" she said while putting her small hands to her chest. I chuckled, "Really?". She nodded her head, "Oh yes indeed". We picked up the package and then we headed back to the castle. By now it was at least 3 in the afternoon. Once we got there, I ate my very late lunch quickly. I groaned, "I should've eaten earlier. Now I'm going to be all bloated for the ball". "Katalina, you'll look amazing either way. Now let's go watch something" she said. I was currently watching some show we found and Jane had left about half an hour ago to get some lunch. Which I obviously know what that means. I turned off the TV since I was getting bored of watching the show. Right then, Alec came into the room. I smiled at him, but I was confused as to why he came. "Hey Alec" I greeted him. He sat down on the edge of the bed, "Hey..", he said softly. I patted the space right next to me, "You've been working all day, you must be tired. Lay down here for a while" I said. He raised a brow, "You sure?", he asked. I nodded, "Of course, c'mon now", I motioned towards him to lay down. He lay down and he rested his head on my lap. He looked up at me as if waiting for me to do something. "What is it?". He motioned with his eyebrows up to his hair, "When I said lay down, I meant lay down, not lay down and I'll play with your hair" I said. He pouted and so I ultimately started running my fingers through his hair. "You know, I noticed a long time ago that you run your fingers through someone's hair as a sign of caring for them. You only do it to people you love" he said softly. I chuckled a little, "Really? How? I've never noticed that" I replied. He looked up at me whilst still laying on me, "You're kidding right? You've lived longer than anybody else I know on this planet and you don't know that about you?? Back then, when I was still human. There was once I went to go visit you, but then I stopped myself from entering when I saw you doing the same action towards your brother, Kol. I didn't want to interrupt since I felt like he was having trouble with something, so I just left" Alec said. I looked at Alec, "Really? I don't remember. Well then I guess it is a sign of affection". We both heard the doorknob turn and we looked at the person entering. Demetri came in with a smile on his face, but then it faltered once seeing us. I smiled awkwardly at him, "Hi". "Hi Katalina, Alec what are you doing here? I thought you were going to go help at the front entrance" Demetri said quizzically. Alec sighed, "I was, but I was too tired. I came to find Jane. I thought she would be here with Katalina, but as you see, I guess I was wrong". "Yes, indeed you were" Demetri said with a hint of annoyance. Ok...what is going on here? Why is Demetri giving Alec attitude? Aren't they like best friend goals? "Well I was actually just going to head to take a shower, so if you both may please excuse me" I said getting up. Demetri was immediately at my side in a millisecond. I stepped back in surprise into his embrace. "Alec, you'll have to leave. We'll see you later" Demetri said. Alec just rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure, see you later Katalina" he said. "Bye" I waved. Once Alec left, I turned towards Demetri, "Are you and Alec arguing or what? Cause I've totally been sensing some tension in between you two for the past few days" I frowned. He just looked away, "We're fine, there's nothing you have to worry about" he said. "If you say so. We'll I'll be off then. Jane will come and get me so we can get ready together soon" I groaned. Demetri laughed, "You're up for a big time then if it's with Jane". I looked at him, "You think?". Demetri just shrugged.

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