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Katalina POV -

I didn't even try to escape. I wouldn't leave without my dagger and my necklace. I need to find a way to get them fast and escape right away without anybody seeing it coming. Just how though?! I was so frustrated. Why did I let myself into this? This isn't something Klaus would do. He would fight off the enemy and he would show just with who they are messing with. Why can't I?? I knew the only thing I could do right now was try and come up with an idea. There's no time for sleep. Heck, I already slept enough. But then I realized something. I can't see him. I need to get out of here. I need to go see him. "Uggh!!" I cried.

After about an hour, Demetri came back. He had a tray of food in his hand. He put it on top of the bedside table, "Eat up", he said. I ignored him. I know I should probably eat it since I haven't eaten anything since this morning, but I'm stubborn like that. I then felt a strong grip on my wrists. Turning me in order to face him he said, "I thought I told you to eat up, pet". I then punched him on the jaw. Who the heck does he think he is to treat me like that?! And I admit. That did kinda hurt since I was somewhat out of training, but I was still stronger than the normal. "Don't talk to me that way you jerk" I spat at him. He glared at me so hard and he held his jaw. He then got up so fast and the next thing I know, I'm being pinned to the bed. "Got a strong fist, huh, darling" he said with annoyance. "And you obviously don't know how to respect somebody's personal space" I said raising my face a little. He chuckled, "Oh darling, a lot of people want me more closer than this amount of space we have between us". I cursed at myself mentally for blushing at that for a moment. "Okayyy, well I'm not one of those" I said. "You will be" he said. "Yeah, that's never gonna happen" I said looking away. A whole 2 minutes passed without him saying something back, so I was surprised. I looked back at him to find him staring at my neck. Ok, umm, WHAT??!! Wait a moment, is he, of course he is Katalina. How could you have not noticed?? So he's like, ok now I know. I have to pay a visit then to a good friend of mine after this. He might know about Demetri. "You're not the only one who wants a taste" I said. He snapped his eyes at me. I was still getting a little used to their color, so I was taken aback for a second there. "Not the only one" he questioned. I caught a sense of a feeling there, but I didn't get to identify it in time since he changed immediately. He then got up, "Get up, you need to eat". "I'm fine" I said. "Fine then. Don't eat. That's completely fine with me" he said while picking up the tray of food. Wow, what a gentlemen. He then left. I rolled my eyes. "What a kid" I muttered. But at the same time, me too, I thought.

Demetri's POV -

I might've left the room calmly, but really, I just wanted to run out of there. There's just something that she's doing to me, but I don't know what. I can't control myself when I'm around her. Because of her and her blood, I'm going even more crazy. I tossed the tray of food to the wall, hearing the glass shatter as soon as it touched the hard rock. Gianna then came running in. "Sir, is everything fine?" she asked. "OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS FINE!!" I shouted at her. She stepped back. "Demetri, what's going on" I heard a stern voice say. I turned away from Gianna and looked at the person who spoke. "Alec" I said. "What's wrong? Are you feeling fine?" he asked while coming towards me. I looked away. He eyed Gianna, "Gianna, please leave", he said. "What about this mess, sir" she quickly asked. I was starting to get even more annoyed. I started turning, but Alec held me back. "Don't worry about it, we'll clean it up" he said. I widened my eyes at Alec. Umm WHAT?? Gianna nodded and with a quick bow, she left. "Now, what's wrong with you Demetri?" he questioned me. I sighed and then I told him.

I looked for a reaction from Alec. He seemed deep in thought. "Soo.., are you going to say anything?" I asked him. He looked up at me, "Let's clean this up", he said. "You aren't really serious right?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "I literally just poured out all my feelings to you and the only thing you tell me is to start cleaning up" I said clearly annoyed. "Demetri, I heard you and I took some time to process it and think about it. If you want to hear what I have in mind, then get up and start helping me clean this mess up that you created. And you should be thankful. Not everybody would do this for someone" he said while handing me a broom. I humphed, but took the broom from him.

"Ok, everything's squeaky clean. Now tell me, what do you think?" I asked. "I think we did a pretty good job" he grinned. I rolled my eyes, "Not about this dumbass!! I meant what I told you earlier" I said annoyed. "Oh, yes, about that. Demetri, have you thought about why maybe you feel like this" he said. Uhh WHAT? "Alec, I told you this so I can hear your opinion, not for you to ask me dumb questions?!" I retorted. "Demetri, this is an important question. And if you want to hear my opinion, you need to be patient. I need to know how you feel-" he began. "I already told you how I feel!!" I cut him off. "Demetri, listen. If I tell you right now what I think, you are going to think I'm crazy" he said. "Tell me" I said. He eyed me. "Tell ME!!" I said. "Don't shout at me Demetri" he said with the little patience he had left. I ran a hand through my hair. "You know what. I don't even know why I told you" I said while heading towards the door. "La tua cantante" he said. I halted my steps. I turned slowly back to face him.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Lei è la tua sanguinaria" he said.



La tua cantante - your singer

Lei è la tua sanguinaria - she's your bloodsinger

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