Confessions Pt.2

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Demetri's POV -

Although I've wanted to hear those words from her for a long time, the current situation wasn't really nice. "Your in love? In l-love with D-De-Demetri?!" Nico spit out through his sobs. Katalina looked at him and she tried to form words to say. "I uh, no...I never meant for this to happen" she cried. She continued, "Nico, I love you. I love you no matter what anybody says. I've always loved you and that hasn't changed. Things are complicated right now and I've been trying to get rid of these feelings for him for the longest, but they just don't go away!!". My heart broke at knowing that she has tried to get rid of her feelings for me.

Katalina's POV -

"When did these feelings start?" he asked monotone. My heart broke at his tone of voice. I looked down in shame, "Ever since I was in Volterra" I confessed. He laughed bitterly, "How was I so stupid?!" he shook his head in disbelief. Tears kept streaming down my face and I felt horrible. "I love you-", "Don't say that! Please, just don't say that" he cried.

"I don't think she'll let you say that to her when you tell her your other secret" Cupid chuckled. "Will it even matter?!" he raised his voice. Cupid laughed with delight, "Of course it will still matter. You love her and well she...semi loves you". "That's not true!" I yelled at him. "Come onnnn, we're almost finished here. Just tell her and you'll be on your merry way" he smiled with evilness. Nico didn't want to say anything, but he knew that we wouldn't leave until he confessed. He summed up all his will power and spoke.

"I already knew where Percy was even when we were looking for him, ever since the beginning"

My heart shattered when he said that. "What?" I breathed out. He looked at me with regret, "Percy was never missing for me because I already knew where he was". "You knew all this time and you didn't tell me! You saw me suffer and you still didn't think of telling the truth!!?" I raged. "I was suffering too!! Ever since HE came, your attention has only been on him! I felt like I wasn't even your boyfriend, your partner. I wanted to be selfish for once and not tell you anything. At least that way you would pay attention to me. For a time being it worked because you were in my arms always, but slowly I grew to realize that you also found comfort in HIM!" he said with so much anger. I knew that he was referring to Demetri. My emotions were running wild and I was so angry, heartbroken, and so disappointed in myself. Nico chuckled without humor, "And you wanna know something else? If I could do things all again, I would do the same thing. Because for you I could be selfish, for you I could be anything as long as your with me" he cried. I didn't know what to say anymore. All I wanted was to just get out of here. Cupid laughed maniacally, "This is very interesting indeed! One is falling out of love and another would do anything to keep that love". "I'm not falling out of love.." I said weakly. "You got everything you wanted Cupid! Give us the scepter now!" Alec shouted. Cupid smirked and then a shiny scepter appeared in his hand. "I'm finished with them, but you two haven't confessed" he directed towards Alec and Demetri. Anger and fury burned inside me and I couldn't stand this anymore. I glanced at Cupid to make sure he was distracted I concentrated the hardest I could, "Fractos" I whispered. The chains glowed a little, but they didn't disappear. I had no other choice than use fire with the spell. Yeah, it will hurt like hell, but I've been through that already. "Fractos Ingnarious, Fractos Ignarious" I repeated slowly. I started feeling the burning sensation as the fire consumed the chains of love. Fire is as passionate as love. I held in my cries and I looked at my body. I saw the burns and I felt sick. Finally, I was free.

At hearing the noise of the chains breaking, everybody turned to see. I stumbled up and I made eye contact with Alec. He nodded, understanding what I was going to do. "Fire, good choice liitle Mikaelson" Cupid sneered. I shrugged, "I try". Then I raised my hand and yelled, "Imperium Monstrum!!". Various rocks and anything that was surrounding us flew towards Cupid and I ducked. I hurried off to Jason and picked him up while muttering a de-paralyzing spell. Demetri almost fell, but Alec was there to catch him. Nico ran to the front and guided us away since he could sense the nearest exits. I heard Cupid roar and then I heard the rocks rushing through the air towards us. I swished my hand through the air, "Scutum". The rocks hit an invisible force and finally I could see the light.

We made it pretty far away from the place and we made a stop to rest. Everyone was quiet and nobody dared to say anything. The burns on my skin itched and irritated me. I tried to hide them as best as I could, but everybody noticed. As I tended to Jason's wounds, Demetri came up to me. My heart started beating fast and I tried to only concentrate on Jason. "You have burns" he said with worried eyes. "I'm well aware" I said coldly, not even looking up to meet his gaze. I patched up the final wound, "Your finished Jason, refrain from doing things too exhilarating" I said. Jason nodded, "Thank you" he then walked away. I could sense how uncomfortable he felt with both me and Demetri in front of him because of what happened. I sighed and started packing the emergency kit. I felt Demetri lay his hand on top of mine. I immediately swatted his hand away, "Don't touch me please" I warned him. Hurt flashed through his face, but I couldn't feel bad right now. "I can help you healing those burns" he slowly said. I slammed the lid shut, "I can perfectly take care of myself thank you" I snapped. He looked angry for a moment but I didn't care. I glanced at Nico and he was looking at us with pain and anger. I stepped towards him, but he then got up and walked away. My heart broke at that, but I was also angry with him. Alec came up behind me, "I can help you with your injuries" he said. I began to say something but he stopped me. "Don't try to resist my help Katalina" he said sternly. I gave him a look, "I can heal myself with magic and water". He looked around, "I don't see any nearby water source and you have done enough magic already" he said. I turned around and began to walk. "At least let me lessen the pain until we get back to the ship" he protested. I wasn't mad with Alec, but I just didn't want his help. I knew though that he wouldn't give up. "Fine" I muttered. He gave me a small smile and walked besides me.

Demetri's POV -

We made it to the ship quickly after that and we were instantly bombarded with questions. Katalina and Nico had avoided everybody and they both went their separate ways. Not even sparing a glance at each other. "Woah, what happened in between them?" Leo asked confused. I just shook my head. "You mean to tell me you don't know when you were with them the whole time?" Leo put his hands on his hips. I sighed, "Its not my place to tell Leo". He nodded understanding the situation. "Well, where are we heading now?" Frank asked. We all looked towards the directions that Nico and Katalina had each left to. "Its another Percy and Annabeth situation, although at least we have them here" Jason grumbled. We all looked at the floor. Then Alec spoke up, "Guys, we can't always depend on certain individuals. We have to be prepared to take lead and work together when our stronger friends aren't available" he stated. "What do you suggest we do then?" Hazel asked. Alec had lead teams before, but they were vampires, these are demigods. Alec looked nervous, but he handled it well. "We'll head to Greece first thing in the morning. Right now, we all need some rest" he said. Everyone agreed and soon everybody had gone below deck.

Through the night, I just leaned against the rim of the ship. Alec stood besides me and we just enjoyed the air blowing through our hair. It felt so peaceful, but the emotions on this ship were way far from peaceful. After a moment I spoke, "She loves me Alec". Alec gave me a pained look, "She does, but..she's in love with him" he said.

I sighed. He's right, like always..

She might love me, but she's in love with him.

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