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Demetri's POV -

I took her with me back home after I was able to knock her out with some powder. As I entered the castle, I made sure to not let anybody see me. I was in deep thought. I was confused as to why I didn't kill her right when I found her? I mean yeah, sometimes I do play with my prey, but it was as if a force was telling me not to hurt her. And another thing, was that, her blood smelled so good. I don't think I've ever craved for something or someone like this ever before. As I walked, I arrived to the main room. I knocked on the door. "Come in" a tired voice said. The guards opened the door and I stepped inside. I immediately caught everybody's attention because of the mysterious girl in my arms. I scanned the room and I noticed that both Alec and Jane weren't here, I frowned. "Now who do we have here, Demetri" Master Aro said while closing his book rather harshly. "I don't know. I, I followed her and I just felt something. I was wondering whether Master Marcus could help me figure that out" I said confused by my own words. Master Aro raised an eyebrow, "Brother, it seems young Demetri is in need of your help?". I looked at Master Marcus. "I don't think I can help you right now. It is up to you to find out. I can help you along the way, but this is your mystery to discover" he said. I was beyond confused and I even felt annoyed because he wan't helping me right now. "I see sir, thank you" I bowed and left to my room. When I got there, I laid her down on my bed. As I looked closer at her, I saw how beautiful she was. She was very brave earlier today. What a feisty girl, I chuckled. I then remembered that she tried to stab me with something. I saw it sticking out from her pocket and I grabbed it. I was confused. Why would she have a knife?? From the corner of my eyes, I saw something on her wrists. I raised her sleeve a little and I saw that in the inner wrist of her left arm, she had a trident tattoo

Her Tattoo -

Her Tattoo -

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That's weird. It didn't look like a tattoo gotten at a tattoo shop. More like it was marked. I let go of her wrists once she started stirring. It didn't take her that long to wake up. She opened her eyes and immediately stood up. She looked at me and raised a brow. "Oh it's you? Look darling, why don't you give me back my belongings and I'll be in my merry way back home" she said with a sarcastic smile. I was confused as to why she didn't react with fear. I smirked, "Oh it's not going to be that easy, love". "Please don't call me love. Seriously. There are only a few people who are able to call me such thing, so please stop and tell me what you want" she said while crossing her arms. "You're very brave for a human" I said while looking her up and down. "Oh please, even if you were the most horrendous monster, I still wouldn't fear you" she said. "You wouldn't fear me by the way I look, but by what I can do" I said while walking closer to her. "That is possibly correct, but just some little research and BOOM I gotcha in my hold" she said while making expressions with her hands. "You're difficult to understand" I uttered. "What do you mean? You haven't even known me for a whole 2 days and you think you can piece me right away?" she said. "If you think you can "figure" me out by inflicting fear on me, well, let me tell you something here darling, I fear nothing". she said with confidence. "I strongly doubt that" I said. "Exactly how" she said while stepping closer. "Everybody fears something. It doesn't have to be a monster, it can even be you" I said. She froze for a moment, she then laughed, "Be careful there darling, you're going soft on me". "Maybe or maybe I'm not" I said while shrugging my shoulders. "You're trying to leave an impression on me aren't you. I can already see the type of person you are" she said. "I thought you said that you can't figure out someone when you haven't even known them for 2 whole days. And in your case, you slept through most of it" I said. I looked at her to see if she showed any signs of embarrassment, but she stood with the same confidence. "Oh darling, you'd be surprised. I've been at this longer than you have-" "I highly doubt that" I cut her off, "ever been. You're obvious attitude towards thinking that you can take over anybody, show signs of possessiveness. You're shirt still has lipstick stains that are actually in different colors, hmm, basic casanova. Whenever you scrunch your eyebrows you're confused. And even if you are focusing on one person or thing, I can see that you are on alert for anything. And to top it all off, you raise your chin when you're nervous. And don't ever cut me off again" she said. I was beyond surprised. How could she have gotten that from only a few minutes with me. "I see you're very interested in me" I said to get her to heat up. "Trust me, I have other things that are much more interesting than you" she said while rolling her eyes. "Like this knife" I said while holding it up. Her eyes widened, "Give that back!!" she said menacingly. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I don't think so love. You aren't being, sooo, nice" I said. She narrowed her eyes at me, "I swear, if you do anything to my dagger, I will make sure your handsome face isn't so handsome anymore" she said angrily. "So you think I'm handsome" I said while giving her flirty eyes. "And you think I'm weak" she replied. She's a feisty one. "Look, why don't we make a deal. If you are on your best behavior for 3 months, maybe then I'll let you go" I said while making a thinking face. "Bold of you to think that I would stay here for even a month" she scoffed. "Well then you're stuck here, pet" I said while heading to the door. "Excuse me, what did you just call me?!" she said with so much anger.

"I said, pet, my love", I then closed the door behind me.

Author's Note -

Well finally we are with Demetri :)

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