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Demetri's POV -

Many feelings and emotions were flowing around in me, driving me crazy. "ARRGGH" I yelled in pain and punched the wall, creating a huge dent on it. "Demetri, I-" Alec started. I turned around, "Stop!! I don't want to talk to anybody or listen to anybody!! Just stop please!!" I yelled at him. Alec stood their looking at me hurt, "Demetri..I need to explain myself". I crouched down on the floor, "Please..please just make it stop. I don't want to feel this pain anymore, please Alec...just make it stop" I cried. Alec took me into his arms, "You're crying". I chuckled bitterly, "It seems so..". "No Demetri, I mean, you're crying actual tears" he said shocked. "What??" I said looking up. Alec wiped away a tear running down my cheek, "How is this possible" he muttered. "Well there goes another thing that I didn't expect would be happening today" I scoffed. "I need to get her back" I said after a while. Alec tightened his hold around me, "I'll help you. Everything that happened was my fault. I could have stopped this from happening, I should have told you from the beginning". "Then tell me now" I said. "I'll tell you through the way, we can't let them get too far" Alec said standing up. He stretched a hand towards me and I grabbed it.

"Where do you think they'll be going?" I asked Alec. "There are 3 places, but the thing is, I don't know the location of one of them" he said. "Did she ever tell you where she grew up?" Alec asked. "She said she moved around a lot. But she considered Chicago, Manhattan, and New Orleans her main homes" I answered. He nodded, "Manhattan must be where the third location is" he said to himself. I frowned, "What do you mean?". "In order for you to understand, you need to know who and what she really is" Alec told me. I widened my eyes. How could I have forgotten? Asking that to Alec totally flew right away from my mind with everything that was happening. "Katalina is the youngest of the Mikaelson's. The Mikaelson's were the first vampires ever created..", "Wait, vampires?? You mean to tell me Katalina is a vampire??' I said totally confused and shocked. "..I'm sure Katalina told you about how her older brother was killed right?" Alec asked me. "Which one?" I replied. "Her brother, Henrik. Katalina and her family lived in a village, many years back, that was full with werewolves. Every full moon, they would go and hide in a cave, until the full moon was gone. Well, one full moon, Katalina's older brother's, Klaus and Henrik, decided to go see the beasts that came out at night. But, by doing this, it caused Henrik's death. Katalina's mother was devastated and wanted to find a way to protect her children from these beasts. She decided to perform dark and unforgivable magic. You see Katalina's mother's were powerful witches. Katalina's biological mother was one of the most powerful and strongest witches ever to exist and her adoptive mother was one of the best witches of their century. But either way, Katalina's adoptive mom created a spell in which would turn her children into the Original vampires. Katalina was still too young in order to change, so they waited until her 18th birthday. Once she became of age, she was turned, but Katalina wasn't just a vampire then. You see Katalina wasn't ever really human. Her father, and you gotta believe me, is a Greek god. You might know who he is, considering your Greek yourself Demetri, but his name is Poseidon, Lord of the Sea's. Katalina was born half goddess and half witch, if her mother weren't a witch or any sort of a supernatural being, then Katalina would be only be a demigod, half god(dess) half human. So when she turned, she became the first and only trybrid to ever exist" Alec finished. I was more than shocked and confused at this point. How did I not notice any of this? No wonder Aro wanted me to introduce her to Eleazar. "So, you're telling me she's a hybrid and she's one of the first vampires to be created..??" I said. Alec nodded, "Correct, so if you ever hear anybody say, "The Originals", it's basically just a term to indicate that they are talking about them, the Mikaelson family" he responded. "I'm surprised you're taking this really well" Alec continued. I looked at him bewildered, "Oh trust me, I am really shocked right now, but all I want are answers and for Katalina to come back". Alec looked down, "Yeah I don't know about that". "What do you mean? I thought you said you would help me?" I questioned him. "Of course I'm going to help you, but I honestly don't know if we'll succeed. The first man you talked to, that's her older brother Niklaus, Katalina looks up to him so much. Many describe them as being practically the same. Trust me, you don't mess with the Original family" Alec chuckled, but without humor. "I assume they are feared by many then" I said. We jumped over a river, "Feared? Nobody ever wishes to cross an Original ever in their lifetime. Mostly Klaus and Katalina. The others are just as much of a nightmare, but they are a little more calm. The tall blonde, she's Katalina's older sister, her name is Rebekah. The other tall blonde, but with shorter hair, she's a witch and she's the oldest of them all, her name is Freya. The tall dark haired man, he's Katalina's older brother, Elijah. I personally think he's the calmer one of them all. The last young man, he's also Katalina's older brother, and his name is Kol. There is one more sibling, besides her dead brother Henrik, his name is Finn, but he doesn't really hang with them. And your question as to why, it's because he detest what he is" Alec said giving me a smile. I nodded, "You mentioned that Katalina's father is a Greek god, does she have any siblings from his side?" I asked him. Alec was about to answer my question when he stopped. I became so focused to everything that Alec was telling me, that I didn't even notice we were behind an airport. "They're flying?" I exclaimed. Alec raised his eyebrow, "What else did you expect? Come on, we have to get on board our plane, they know we are following them and I'm pretty sure Katalina is going to wip up some magic in order for us to not know where they are going" he said noticeably irritated. "I sense you know how that has felt like" I grinned. He nodded, "That water spill back there in the castle, that was no accident, it was Katalina who did it".

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