Three Years Ago...

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Today is April 4th.

When I was little, that day didn't mean anything to me. But when I turned twelve and joined Student Council and my dad got mad at me and Elle found me and took me in, that day became one of the most important days of my entire life.

"Wake up, Sunshine!" Elle said. Elle has a habit of waking me up at ungodly hours on special days. I should be used to it by now after all these years, but I instead picked up the other pillow off of my bed and threw it at Elle.

"This is what you get for waking me up at the crack of dawn!" I squealed to my mom. Elle playfully slapped me and I giggled, getting out of bed. "See, the sun's not even up yet, what am I doing up this early?"

" do I explain this?" Elle said to herself, tapping her foot on the floor. I started giggling again then Red came in the room.

"I dared her!" Red laughed. "I was bored and couldn't sleep, so I banged on your door at 3AM." I gasped and hugged Red. "Happy April 4th, dork."

"You too, dork." I said, winking at my girlfriend and trying not to appear not-straight in front of Elle. As far as she's concerned, I'm single and as straight as a yardstick.

"Can you two go socialize on the couch for at least another hour? I'm tired and I want to sleep." I said. I threw myself back on my bed and grabbed my blanket (which was fully repaired, thank God.)

"Okay, Sunshine. We'll wake you up when everyone else gets here." Elle said, quietly shutting the door behind her as I drifted off to sleep.


"Catlynn! Our dorky friends are here!" Red screamed from the other side of my closed bedroom door. I groaned and somehow managed to get out of bed, fixing my hair in the mirror on the way out and throwing on a sweatshirt so I looked at least somewhat presentable.

I opened the door and then Shirley ran up to me, squealing.

"I got a girlfriend!" Shirley screamed. I gasped and pulled Shirley to a corner. "Who? Who's the girlfriend? Tell. Me. Everything!"

"Well...she's in this room." Shirley said. I knew that two people had a crush on Shirley, and those two people were Cesca and Astrid.

"I give up. Shirley, just tell me, I can't handle the suspense for much longer!" I squealed.

"Astrid Kate Waters." Shirley whispered. I giggled and hugged Shirley.

"God, we're all dating someone! I wonder what ever happened with Ebony and Vera." I asked. Shirley laughed awkwardly and said, "Who?"

"Ebony Sears and Vera Campbell. I went to school with them. Charter school. Once I switched out of that school and went back to Hamilton, I didn't talk to them as much. They started dating each other in eighth grade. I wonder if they're still together or not."

"Did you tell her?" Astrid yelled from the couch, changing the subject. Axel and Cesca were setting up a board game on the floor. 

"I'll answer for her, yes, she told me! I'm so happy for you guys!" I squealed. Astrid giggled and I sighed. I wonder when I'll ever be able to talk about how amazing dating Red was. Astrid and Shirley were out, they had the chance.

Maybe I'll never have that chance.

"It's April 4th, Cat, why are you so sad?" Axel asked. "Come on, come play Monopoly with us!"

"Guess what's in nearly two months?" Shirley said in a sing-song voice. I laughed and said, "What is in two months, Shirley Cook?"

"Your sweet sixteen! Cat, you're able to get your driver's license in two months!"

"Not without her permit." Evan said under his breath from the corner.

"Yeah, I know how learners permits work. Come on, you guys. Quit pressuring me, you guys know how I feel about driving." I said. My entire family went dead silent, and so did my friends. There was the soft sound of Cesca moving a board game piece a couple of spaces, but that was it.

"What's so shocking about me not wanting to learn how to drive? Did you forget that I've had to deal with two car crashes, and I almost died in one of them?" I screamed.

"Sunshine..." Jessica started, but Elle cut her off.

"Can it." Elle snapped under her breath.

"I'm sorry for ruining this April 4th...if you guys really want me to...I'll start taking driver's lessons next week." I said.

"Sunshine, if you really don't want to learn, we're not gonna force you." Elle said.

"I kinda changed my mind, okay! I'm just scared." I screamed, storming off into my room and slamming the door.

And this is when I realized I wasn't Elle's little girl anymore. I was growing up. In two years, I'll be a senior in high school. I'll be applying for colleges, turning eighteen, becoming an adult, moving out of the house.

I was going to be sixteen years old on June 30th. I needed to toughen up.

First step? Learning how to drive.

AN: Some people know what's about to happen. You know who you are, hehehehe. And to those people, don't spoil the evilness! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

Adopted by Heathers: The SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang