We Do Not Need A Female JD In Our Lives!

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Catlynn's POV

The cheery ringtone of my phone is what woke me up at around 2AM. I groaned and rolled over to grab it and realized Kylie was calling me.

"Kylie? What's going on? I thought you forgot I existed?" I said.

Nothing. Nothing except panicked breathing on the other line.

"H-help..." finally croaked through from Kylie's end. Then, the line disconnected.

"Kylie? Kylie? KYLIE?!" I yelled. Then I stopped myself. This was no time to panic, I needed to wake up Elle.

I banged on Elle's door and screamed, "MOM! WAKE UP IT'S AN EMERGENCY!"

"What?" came Elle's sleepy voice from the doorway. Once she realized how panicked I looked, she snapped awake.

"What's going on?" Elle asked.

"Get in the car and get to Boston. Something happened with Kylie and I don't know what." I said.

"O-okay?!" Elle said questionably. I grabbed my mom's wrist and got in the car.

"Go! Go!" I screamed. Elle yelled, "Sunshine! I can only drive so fast!"

"Well, drive faster!"



"Here it is. I never turned in my key when I dropped out." I said, showing Elle to my former college dorm room. I turned the key and I was horrified by the sight.

Kylie, shaking on the floor. And Ken, aiming a gun at her.

"Catlynn Sunshine McLemore. You came." Ken said, putting the gun down on the table.

"Thank God." Elle whispered in my ear. "I thought she was going to shoot you for a second there."

"This is no time for 'thank God Sunshine's okay!' I have to make sure Ken doesn't kill Kylie!" I said.

"What? Did I just hear 'kill Kylie?'" Ken asked. I made my way towards Ken and said, "No. You didn't hear that. Don't. Touch. My. Friend."

Ken smiled sinisterly at me and raised the gun again. I backed up, thinking she was about to shoot me. She aimed the gun towards me and I braced myself.

Then, at the last second, she turned the other way and shot Kylie.

"KYLIE!" I screamed. I turned to Elle and said, "Mom, get out of here and call 911."

I turned and realized Ken had blocked the door. 

"Get out the window." I said. I opened the window for Elle and then Ken jumped out right before she did.

I was too focused on Kylie and Ken making a run for it to notice that Elle had already snuck out the window. With a shaky breath, I knelt down next to Kylie and took her pulse.

There was nothing there.

Kylie was dead. 

"Ken killed Kylie." I said. Then the realization hit. "Ken killed Kylie!"

The door opened and I panicked, and I sighed in relief when I realized it was just Elle.

"Did you call 911?" I said. Elle frantically nodded and hugged me.

"Is Kylie okay?" Elle asked.

"Dead. She's dead."

AN: Killing book characters is fUn. This was the most evil chapter I wrote is so long. Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! 

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