College Yet Again

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I got in touch with Kylie over the weekend, and thank God she was alive and well. What happened to Ken was a different story.

According to Kylie, Ken was arrested. Why? She was a spy for a murderer named Thomas Reeve. Yes, Thomas Reeve is my biological father. The same man that killed Elissa and accidentally killed Astrid. 

And in wake of all these events, one traumatic thing after another, I was doing college from home for at least the remainder of the year. Which is kind of what I've always wanted, I've just been scared to speak up and say it.

I was finally done with schoolwork when I felt a tiny tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Acadia smiling at me.

"Hey, Cia!" I said. I saw Katie in the door, laughing.

"Sorry, Sunshine. Acadia's been begging to see you all day, it was actually getting slightly ridiculous. I texted your mom and she said to wait until you were done, so now we're here!" Katie said.

"Mama, can I talk to Auntie Cat?" Acadia said. Katie nodded and Acadia hugged her. "Thanks, Mama!"

Katie left and closed the door behind her, and I picked Acadia up and sat her on my bed. 

"Hey, Cia! What's up?" I asked. 

Cia giggled and said, "Samantha let me borrow her crayon yesterday at school. Samantha's nice. I like Samantha." Acadia pulled a magenta crayon out of her pocket and handed it to me.

"Cia, honey, she said 'borrow,' not keep." I said. Acadia giggled and said, "She let me keep it at the end of the day! She gave me another one which I gave to Mama!" 

"Aww, that's sweet." I said, and then Katie pulled me aside.

"That Samantha she's talking about? That's Samantha Gardner. Violet's little sister." Katie whispered in my ear. "Acadia said that she wants to have her over at the house someday, and I don't know what to say."

"Come on, give her a chance!" I said.

"Her sister tried to murder you."

"Well...yeah. But this child is six years old, Katie. You gotta cut her some slack, she's young. Plus, she's related to Red." I said. Katie sighed and left Acadia and I alone.

"Mama..." Acadia said, walking over to Katie and leaning against her. Katie picked Acadia up and kissed her cheek. "What's up, baby?"

"Mama, my tummy hurts." Acadia whined. Katie rubbed Acadia's back and whispered to Elle, "I'm gonna take her home."

"Bye, Cia. Feel better." I said, giving Acadia a quick hug before she left. I sighed and said, "Mom, do you think something's wrong with Acadia?"

"Sunshine, she probably just has a stomach bug or something. No biggie. It is that time of year, too." Elle said. "Also, she isn't biologically related to you. She probably doesn't have the same condition you do, don't worry."

I sighed and went back to my room. "God, I can't wait for when I'm done with school and can finally live out my dream of being a doctor." Elle smiled at me and said, "I can't wait for that too. I've always known you were destined for great things. You're smart, and logical, and you have a super quick wit. Though, for some reason, I thought you were going to be an engineer for a while there."

"What in God's name made you think I was going to be an engineer, Elle McLemore?" I laughed. Elle laughed as well and said, "I don't know! You were little!"

I pulled my phone from the back pocket and checked the time. "I'm gonna go to bed, Mom. Good night, I love you."

"Good night my little Sunshine. Sweet dreams, I love you."

AN: Just a quick little filler chapter to set up for some evil plans (and some fluff coming shortly!) Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! Love ya all!

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