A Day At Work

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Catlynn's POV

"Heading to work, Red! I'll call you on my lunch break, I love you!" I said, heading out the door. 

"Wait!" Red called back. "Kit, what are we doing with Eleanor?" I sighed and said, "You're supposed to drop her off at Alice's on the way to work, right?" Red nodded and grabbed Eleanor out of her crib. "If only one of us were home more often so we had more time with you."

"When school gets out for summer, you'll have all summer with her, Red. But sick kids don't wait for the school year. I have to be at the hospital 5 days a week. Thank God I get nights and weekends off, though." I said. "I really, really have to go, though. Love you Red, love you Leni!"

I hopped in the car and took off towards the children's hospital. When I was a kid and was facing appointments nearly every week, I used to hate that place. But now, when I go there to live out my dream job, it becomes nearly exciting to go there. I turned on the radio and started lip-syncing to whatever pop song was trending, and took the all-familiar route and pulled into the parking lot.

I sighed and hung out in the parking spot for the better part of fifteen minutes, looking up at the sky and the building, seeing parents bring their kids. And then realizing, way back when, one of those parents with their kids were Elle and I. I was that scared kid going through the hospital doors at one point, and now, at 22 years old, I was the doctor taking care of them.

Speaking of being a doctor, I had to get into work, and fast. I got out of the car and ran into the hospital, getting ready for yet another day of work. Another day of taking care of children and loving what I did.

I smiled and looked back at my car in the staff parking lot and headed into work.


Children are so gosh darn adorable. 

My work day was over, and oh my god the kids I saw today were so cute. There was a seven year old who did the most exquisite drawings, a five year old who didn't know how to pronounce my last name, and two year old twins who I couldn't help but squeal at.

I headed to the car and buckled my seat belt, driving my way back to my house. I smiled and then realized, Red wasn't out of work yet and Alice still had Eleanor. I groaned and pulled over to call Alice and tell her I got out of work and she was free to drop Eleanor off at my house. One task done.

I pulled into my driveway and opened the door, and surprisingly, Red was already home with Eleanor on her lap.

"R-Red? What are you doing home so early?" I said.

"Hey, Kit." she said in a monotone. I put my hand on Red's shoulder and said, "Honey, are you okay?"

"Cat, it's nothing, can we not talk about it and just cuddle and watch a movie, please?" Red said, getting Eleanor's bottle and putting it in the bottle warmer.

"Red, I know you like the back of my hand, something must be up. What's wrong?" I asked.

"I got laid off." Red said while I handed Eleanor her bottle.

"What? Red..." I said.

"Well, think of the bright side. I'm gonna be home more often so it gives me more time with Eleanor." Red said. I put Eleanor down in her crib and kissed her forehead.

"The only thing I'm worried about is...with me not working...will we have enough money to support a child?" Red asked.

"Red...I'm a doctor. I make more than enough money. I just hope I don't lose my job." I said. I gave my wife a quick kiss and said, "It's gonna be okay, I'm here. I love you."

"I love you too."

AN: Sad to say this, but there's only going to be a few more chapters left of Adopted by Heathers! I can't believe this, Cat's story is almost a year in the making. Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! Love ya all!

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