Family Time

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Jessica was calling me for the fifth time this week. I groaned and picked up my phone off of the nightstand.

Truth be told, it was nice to have someone to talk to. Jess was the only person in my entire family I was out to at this point, and I had a plan to be out to my entire family, Elle included, by the time I graduated high school. Frankly, I had only made that plan so Red would be happy, but I'm no longer dating her, so there goes that.

"Hey, Sunshine, how you holding up?" Jess asked when I picked up the phone. I sighed and said, "Better."

"That's good. Listen, I'm gonna come over in a few minutes just to chill out with you, okay? And I think the others are coming over too. Don't worry, I told them you just had a bad day with Violet, they have no idea that Red's involved. Also, speaking of, I have a question. Are you and Red still friends? Or what?"

"She's tried to talk to me at school, but I've waved her off. What she did to me..." I said. "Also, I gotta talk quietly. My mom's been interrogating me for the past two weeks and I'm pretty sure she would probably be eavesdropping on every conversation I have. Which was getting annoying.

"Hey, I'm getting in the car. I'll be there in ten minutes. See ya, Sunshine!" Jess said. She hung up before I could even say goodbye to her.

I sighed and plugged my phone back into the charger, flopping back on my pillows and staring out the window.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and I shot out of bed and grabbed my crutches.

"Cat! They're here!" Elle screamed from the living room. I kicked open the bedroom door with my foot and said, "I know!" and made my way to the living room.

Jess was sitting on the couch and she waved me over. "Hey, Sunshine!"

"Bad day again yesterday?" Evan asked from next to her. I nodded and said, "Yeah, Violet again."

"Hey, how about we invite Red over?" Ryan said happily. Jess scrambled off the couch and said, "Wait, no, no, no, bad idea. She...uh...slipped on a banana peel."

"That's your alibi?" I whispered harshly to Jess. Jess laughed and then turned on the TV.

"Cat's hiding something." Evan said slyly. "Cat, is there a new boyfriend we need to know about?"

Jess and I looked at each other and started laughing hysterically.

"Nope. Just Violet." I said at the same time.

And then I realized.

When will I ever tell my family I was bi and I broke up with Red?

AN: I hope you liked this short little fluff filler chapter thing, because it may be the last bit of fluff you get for a while. Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! Love you all!

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