I Told You It Would Be Okay

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"So, you're just gonna add 3, carry the 5..." Evan was saying to me, scribbling numbers in the plain notebook he bought for me. "Okay, I give up on pretending I know this crap..."

"No, no, you're doing good. It's my fault I had to drop out of advanced math as a freshman. Numbers just don't make any sense to me." I said to my brother. Evan nodded and kept scribbling random numbers on the paper.

"Hey, what are you two up to?" Elle asked, walking in the room with two sandwiches in her hands. She dropped one of the sandwiches on my bed, then sat down in a chair and unwrapped the other.

"Math." Evan and I said at the same time. I giggled and said, "We did some other subjects earlier today. History and science and stuff like that."

"Good girl, Sunshine. Well, I can't really judge, you're not really getting...graded for the time being." Elle said, eating her sandwich and turning on the TV.

"Evan?" I asked while Elle was distracted by the TV. Evan dropped his pencil on the floor and said, "Yeah, Sunshine?"

"I want to go home." I complained. Evan hugged me and kissed my head. "You'll be able to go home soon, Sunshine. And remember how we made this place look a bit like your own room a few weeks ago? Look! There's the astrology poster I gave you for your 15th birthday, and there's the Heathers poster we all gave you for your 13th. And look behind you. All the pictures of your friends, your family, everyone that you keep behind your bed at home." Evan said.

"It's not the same." I said quietly, setting all my notebooks down on the floor and sighing. "And what you said about 'me being able to go home soon?' That's what everyone says to me. I'll only believe it when someone tells me a definite date."

I saw Evan crack a tiny smile at Elle, who was finishing up her sandwich and was clutching the plastic wrap in one hand. I swear I heard Elle giggle a bit, too.

"What's the smile for?" I asked my mom and brother. Evan laughed as well and said, "Well, kid, I think your mom has some good news to share with you..."

"What?" I asked hopefully. "What's the good news?" Elle swallowed the last of her sandwich and said, "Well...I was talking to your doctor earlier today, I think you were still sleeping when we had the conversation...and he's very pleased with your recovery and the progress you've been making in physical therapy these last few weeks."

"And?" I asked, having a slight idea of what was coming. I wasn't totally sure, though.

"He said you could go home on Sunday. So just four more days left here. However, he did tell me to tell you to take it easy, especially when you first get home. Trust me, I'm sick of hospitals, too." Elle said.

I didn't care about the whole "taking it easy" thing. I didn't even care about me not being able to go back to school for a few months. All I cared about was going home. Seeing my family. Being able to do homeschooling from my own room rather than this bland hospital room. Being able to sleep in my own bed with my security blanket rather than this cramped bed. Being able to get this IV out of my hand. Being able to sleep peacefully knowing Elle was in the next room if I needed her. Not hearing nurses laughing and talking and checking up on me constantly.

Being able to see Red again. I haven't seen her since school started, which only made me more anxious to go back to school again. 

"This is the best news I've gotten for a straight month!" I yelled, wanting to get up and hug Elle, but sadly realizing I was still having trouble walking for now. I got two surgeries this month to help, and the majority of this month was spent in physical therapy, but it's gonna take a lot of work to get back to the way I was. 

I smiled the biggest smile I could, giggling a bit. 

For the first time since I wound up in the dreaded hospital, I had a slight feeling that everything was going to be okay.

AN: I'm taking a break from evil for now. You guys are lucky. But don't think that the rest of this book is going to be all happiness and rainbows and sunshine. Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! Love you all!

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