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I hate being in college with my entire being and then some. It's not just because of the load of work I've been getting the past few days, it's just because it's lonely here without my family and Red and everything I know being in another state, miles and miles away from me.

Kylie's been nice enough, and so has our other roommate, a quiet, nerdy bisexual girl named Ken. But the problem wasn't them. It wasn't the workload. It wasn't even the fact the weather here has been awful lately, which it has.

I was laying awake in my bed listening to Kylie snore loudly beside me. If I listened closely enough, I could hear the rain pouring from outside. For most people, the sound of rain was calming, especially at night. But not for me, because the sound of rain usually meant a thunderstorm was coming.

And thunder was one of my worst fears in the entire world. Even worse than needles. Even worse than hospitals!

I rolled over and picked up my phone to check the time. It was around midnight, I had only been asleep for an hour and a half before I woke up. 

As soon as I heard an ambulance go by right by my window with the sirens going off and everything, I knew that I had to go home. I couldn't handle this anymore. I sprung out of bed and dragged my suitcase from under the bed.

"What are you doing?" a sleepy Kylie asked. I sighed and said, "Kylie, it's been great getting to know you, you chaotic lesbian, but I have to go home. I miss my family too much to stay here."

"You're dropping out of medical school? What kind of crappy idea is that? You know for a fact you're gonna regret this in the future, Cat." Kylie said, and I stopped short.

Because she was right. I was gonna regret this sooner or later. But I didn't care. I needed to get home.

"Cat? Don't tell me you're going outside in this horrible weather." Kylie said. I sighed and said, "Don't be stupid, I'm not walking all the way home. I'll just get a flight and walk home from the airport. The weather's probably gonna be better by then anyway!"

"I'm gonna miss you, you dorky bisexual." Kylie said. I hugged her and said, "Take care of the oboe for me, I'll keep in touch."

I booked a flight with the last of my money, then grabbed my suitcase and left.


Elle's POV

It was raining really hard outside, but not thundering just yet.

Thinking of the thunder made me think of Cat, who was absolutely petrified of storms. I checked the weather for the area she was in, and a storm had just passed there. Luckily, she was probably asleep during that time, cause she didn't call or text me. 

I was awake because of the rain, sitting on the couch watching TV. It was around 4 in the morning, and I didn't expect anything to disturb me for a good few hours.

Until it did. A knock on the door. I got up to open it and I saw a girl who's hair was drenched with rainwater, dragging an orange suitcase behind her.

"Sunshine?" I asked softly. "What are you doing home? What happened? What-" I got cut off by Cat throwing herself on me, sobbing.

"Mama..." she said, and my heart swelled. Cat hadn't called me Mama for years. 

"Sunshine?" I asked again, leading Cat to the couch. She curled up on me and cried. I played with her hair for a bit.

"Sunshine...what are you doing home? You should be at school!" I said. Cat sighed and said, "I-I dropped out."

"WHAT?!" I said, more shocked than mad. 

"I'm s-sorry!" Cat said, choked up with tears. I kissed her head and said, "Sunshine...why did you drop out?"

"I miss you guys too much!" Cat screamed. There was a moment of dead silence before Cat started sobbing into my shoulder again. After a few minutes she sat up and dug in her backpack.

She looked around the room, took my hand, and I could see fresh tears form in Cat's eyes.

"Sunshine? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I left my blanket at college."

AN: The Master of Evil Plans is back! Yes! I finally got an evil idea! I'm so proud of myself. Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! Love you all!

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