Chapter Twelve

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4 months later...

"Goodbye Mom, I'll see you after the weekend" I yell out as I put on my shoes for the walk to school.

"Goodbye sweetie, have fun" my mom calls out.

"Make sure you don't go into his room" dad calls out his warning as I'm about to leave the house.

"Sure dad" I laugh. I run down the driveway and there's Natsu. He waits for me here even though it makes his daily school walk farther since he has to go farther to meet up with me.

"Hey, Luce" he greets as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses me on the top of my head."You ready for this weekend"

"Definitely." I can't believe it has been a whole summer since Natsu and I started dating. Things have been smooth sailing since then, I still talk to Lisanna often and she's doing great where she is. She even has moved on as well, Sting has as well. I knew Yukino and Sting would be a good match and they spent a lot of time together over the summer. I'm staying over at Natsu's place this weekend since my parents won't be home this weekend because of a business trip and my mom wanted to go with him. So we agreed that I should stay over at the Dragneel's so I won't be lonely.

Now it's the start of the school year and it's our last year together with our friends. I can't wait for what this year brings, I know things won't always be happy like this, but as long as I have Natsu and my friends, I know I can conquer anything. I guess Mrs. Sandler was right, things worked out in the end in the exact way they were supposed to. Her kids even came to visit her finally, she was so surprised. They promised to come and visit more often. Mrs. Sandler told me she still wanted me to come and visit with her once in a while, I promised I would, and then all of my friends said they would like to visit with her as well. Mrs. Sandler said she would love to have them come over and chat, especially Natsu. She wanted to see what it was like now that we were together and she could finally admit that she saw it coming from the first time I brought him home and she started working for us.

Ever since my parents found out about is being together officially, they have become even more cautious as well as Natsu's parents. Though they are happy to hear that we finally told each other about how we felt. I guess everyone knew before he did.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Natsu asks.

"Just about how happy I am that everything worked out for everyone"

"Yeah, I am too" he turns me around to look him in the face and grabs my chin. He pulls me in closer for a kiss. I get butterflies in my stomach. I wonder when that will ever stop. To be honest, I don't want it to stop, I want to always get butterflies in my stomach when I am near him, when he kisses me, or when he holds my hand.

When we pull away, he grabs my hand and we walk towards school. When we get there, we walk in and see the gang. Erza, Jellal, Gray, Juvia, and Levy. Oh and I almost forgot, Juvia and Gray finally admitted their feelings as well and got together, so now we all are in relationships except for our new friend Levy.

Wendy started middle school this year, and she told me she was really excited about it. I don't remember how I felt about going into middle school but by the way Wendy acts, I'm sure I had close to the same reaction. I would have been even more excited if I knew that was when I was gonna meet my best friend in the entire world.

I guess sometimes you just have to let things work out by themselves and try your best as you muddle your way through the mud of the situation. All I know for now is that I will hold on to these moments and enjoy them as they come.

I let go of Natsu's hand and walk towards my locker without a worry in the world because I know that when we see each other again my hand will fit into his perfectly once again.

~~The End~~

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