Chapter Seven

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I'm sitting with Sting on one of the benches by the park that is near the park. He doesn't seem to mind the silence of the moment. When he asked me if we could hang out, I didn't want to decline but I wasn't exactly feeling up to it. So now he is sitting next to me and being quiet as he seems to sense that something is off. 

"I'm sorry about this, a lot happened at school today and I didn't want to disappoint you but I think it might have been better if I said no to hanging out since you don't seem to be having any fun" I apologize.

"That's alright. You can talk to me about whatever's going on! I may not know what to do but I can listen at least, you can rant to me." 

"I don't think this is something I can tell to anyone. It's about someone else who I care a lot about and I don't want to lose their trust" I explain. 

"You don't have to tell me specifics" he pleads. 

"I don't think I can tell you. I just don't feel right about it" 

"Are you sure?" he asks while still trying to get me to speak about it. 

"Can you please let it go? I know you only want to help but I can't and you won't let it go. Maybe I should just go and think about this by myself." I storm off. I shouldn't have gotten so angry but I couldn't help it, it wasn't my place to say anything but he wouldn't let it go. Natsu is one of the most important people to me in my life, and I don't want to do anything to hurt him or anyone else for that matter. I wish he would understand that. 

I know he would have no idea what to say about what was going on, and how would he feel if I were to explain how I felt about him and Lisanna. As well he doesn't know who she was, he wouldn't be able to put any input in or any type of help. I know he only means the best but for once I don't think that anyone who isn't involved should be able to help in any means. 

I pause and stop to think. 

I guess I have been oblivious, I brought him into this situation. This neverending situation where anyone could get hurt at any moment. I brought him into this by trying to escape the pain I was feeling without even realizing what I was doing or bringing him into. I laugh at my idiocy and decide to call Lisanna and see how she is doing. 

"Hey Lis," I say as I hear her answer on the other end of the phone. 

"Hey, Lucy" I hear that she seems to be doing better than I am. 

"You seem cheery!" I state. 

"Yeah, Natsu called and explained that it wasn't my fault and I shouldn't worry about him" she excitedly states. 

"Oh, great for you." I try to say with enthusiasm as she is the one who mattered right. It's not like I was worried for him too. Maybe it's something I did, but I can't imagine anything that I might have done wrong to make him angry at me. 

"So everything's good here on my end. I have to go now though. I'll see you tomorrow at school" she says and then hangs up the phone. 

Why didn't he call me? I know she is his girlfriend, but I was worried about him too. I guess he just hasn't had time yet. Yeah, that must be the reason, he wouldn't forget about me. I try to assure myself. He couldn't forget about me I've been there from the start, I have been his support in all of his life. 


I shouldn't have yelled at her the way I did. She has no idea what I'm feeling and I can't tell her. I don't want to hurt her, she deserves better than that. I dragged her into this, and I don't want to drag her in the mud just because of my stupidity. 

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