Chapter Eleven

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"Hey Lisanna, I have been meaning to talk to you as well" 

"Yeah, I'm sure you did. But I have something I have to talk to you first" she says. "I want to tell you that I have decided that we should break up. I also have to tell you that my family is moving once again"

"What? But school is over in one month, why would you move now"

"My dad got a new job and he is starting soon so we need to move here shortly. And I know we wouldn't need to break up if it was only the fact of me moving away but I think we aren't right for each other, so I guess you're free. I have to go start packing so I want to say thank you for the time we spent together. I was fun while it lasted" she kisses me on the cheek and walks off into her house. 

That was weird, I wanted to tell her what happened but she didn't want to give me any time to say anything. I guess I don't need to tell her anything if she's not my girlfriend. I know I should feel upset that she dumped me but all I feel is a relief for multiple reasons. 

Now I only have to focus on one thing, and that is fixing things with Lucy and life will finally be the way it's supposed to be. 


"Hey Lis, want to get some ice cream while we talk?" 

"No, we won't be talking for long."

"Okay, alright," I say wearily. 

"I wanted to let you know that I will be moving shortly since my father got a new job and I will be switching schools once again" she informs. 

"What? Are you serious?" I say a little too loud and get looks from people around me. I calm down and listen to her. 

"Yes, and I broke up with Natsu. So now you should be able to console him" she says with a smirk on her face. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Come on, Lucy! You can't be seriously thinking I didn't know how you felt about Natsu this whole time. You were trying to hide it from me, but you did an awful job" she laughs. 

"I guess, I have been caught. Since when did you know?" 

"I sort of knew from the start but ignored the signs." she sighs. 

I have no idea what to say, but she doesn't seem to be too upset which throws me off even more. 

"You need to learn that sometimes when it comes to situations like this, you need to throw kindness out the window. Sometimes you need to take things for yourself before others get hurt in the end. In some cases, it's kinder to not be kind" she smiles at me and once again it throws me off and I have no idea what to think. 

If she had to break up with Natsu, I thought she would be more devastated and not be handing him right over to me like this. 

"I still want to be your friend and keep in touch if that's alright?"

"Of course it is, I wouldn't want it any other way. If you ever come back around you know where to find me."

"Thanks, Lucy. That means a lot to me. Also, tell me everything that happens between you and Natsu. Oh, and don't forget to snap me a photo of how the mural on the side of the school looks like when it's finished." 

"I will send a photo of it as soon as I can" I don't say anything about her comment about me and Natsu because it feels weird to promise that to her. 

"Well hope I see you again someday," she says as she stands up. I stand up and give her a quick hug as well. She leaves me alone in the shop and I am left in shock. She is a good friend and I can't believe she has to move. I do believe that she is one friend I won't understand her actions or whatever happened today. I have nothing but good feelings for her and have no hard feelings toward each other. 


"I still don't understand why you wanted to move all of sudden and make dad request to be transferred to another city," Mira asks. 

"And you never will" I laugh as Mira makes an angry face at me. I know dad and mom will be the only ones who truly understand why I want to leave. There's Sting too, but I'm sure he won't tell anyone. I hope everyone ends up happy at the end of all of this. I know I will be. 

"Just leave it alone, Mira" Elfman joins in. 

"Thanks by the way, for understanding that we need to move and not being mad at me" 

"No problem, I just wish I could hear the reason for suddenly moving again. Especially since you said you enjoyed this school much more than the previous one." 

"I enjoyed it sure, but I don't think it's a good thing for me to stay there now" 

"So it is something about school" she laughs. 


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