Chapter Three

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Monday morning. 

I guess it's the day where everything starts. The day I lose Natsu. I had a pretty awful Sunday. My mom came into my room to check on me because she thought I had died since I never came out of my room. I had been in my bed for the whole weekend and hardly ate anything. My mom tried getting me to eat something but they couldn't get me to eat much whenever they tried. 

"Lucy, are you sure you're feeling well enough to go to school?" Mom asks. 

"Yeah, I don't think I can call in sick for this," I assure her. "Besides, I just have to face it" 

"Alright, but don't push yourself" she must be confused because I never told her what was going on so she thinks I'm sick because she only knows what Natsu's parents told them. I pack my bag and head out the door. I meet up with Erza on the corner where we always meet and continue to school. 

"I tried calling you on Sunday but you never answered!" she says. 

"Oh really, sorry. I must have had my phone off. Which reminds me" I grab out my phone and turn it back on. I avoided any interaction with any of my friends as soon as I got home that day.  I look at every message that I received and didn't look at it. I saw many of them were from Natsu asking if I was okay. I wouldn't have wanted to look at them, then the rest of them were from my other friends who probably heard from Natsu that I was sick so they wanted to check in with me. 

"That's a lot of messages to avoid. Are you okay?" she asked, seemingly suspicious of me and not wanting to let it go. 

"No, but I'll tell you about it later," I tell her, I can't tell her, she has always been there for me and had tried helping me to get the courage to keep on trying to tell Natsu about what I felt.  I still don't want to be at school or see his face, but I did tell him I would talk to her for him. I can't tell him I back out now. 

"You better tell me. There's not much that can bring you down, this must be something big if it got you to turn off your phone for the whole weekend," she states worryingly.

"Yeah, but I think I'll hold off on telling you anything until I get past today" 

"Why, what's happening today?" she asks with even more concern being laced in through her voice. 

I don't speak another word, I just don't want to talk to her about it just yet. I just have to wait until the third period is over. I wish I could skip to the third period and get it over with. 


We walk into the school building and as soon as I do, I see Natsu waiting there for me. He must have been worried about me this weekend. He has been waiting for me to get to school to see me. 

"Hey, Luce" he calls out to me as he runs over to me. "Why didn't you answer me yesterday?" 

"Sorry, I was sleeping the whole time. I felt bad yesterday, but don't worry, I'm fine now" I smile weakly at him. 

"Okay, well as long as you do feel fine. I was just gonna say that if you don't feel well, you don't have to worry about talking to her today," he informs. 

With him reminding me seems to make me feel so much worse. I want to just yell out no, and tell him to do it by himself. Though he seems to want to date her and I want him to be happy in the end. If I couldn't do anything at all but one thing, It would be to make sure he is happy. 

I feel like sometimes I'm too nice but it doesn't matter. It only hurts me in the end, so I will be fine. 

"I'll be fine. I'll talk to her and let you know how it went later." 

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